| [cơm] |
|  | flesh; pulp (of fruit) |
|  | meal |
|  | Dọn một mâm cơm |
| To lay a meal on a tray |
|  | Làm cơm thết khách |
| To prepare a meal to entertain guests |
|  | Cửa hàng bán cơm bữa |
| A table d'hôte restaurant |
|  | Đi ở cơm không |
| To be a servant on board-wages |
|  | Chuyện cơm bữa |
| Common occurence |
|  | cooked rice Cơm (cooked rice) is made from different kinds of rice. Typically fragrant rice is used, such as Tam Thom and Nang Huong. To the Vietnamese people, Com is used for the main meals of the day (lunch and dinner). Rice is eaten together with a variety of different dishes. An ordinary meal may include rice and the following: - Mon an kho (meal without soup) consists of dishes of pork, fish, shrimp and vegetable stirred in fat, as well as vegetable pickles... - Mon canh (soup) consists of soup made with pork or spare-ribs, crab meat and fish. |
|  | cơm thừa canh cặn |
|  | leftover meal or food, table leavings (left for hirelings) |
|  | cơm lành canh ngọt |
|  | good meal |
|  | cơm nhà việc người |
|  | eat one's own rice but to care for other's affairs |
|  | cơm niêu nước lọ |
|  | live on simple fare |
|  | cơm no áo ấm |
|  | have abundant clothing and food, be fairly well off; have enough food and clothing |
|  | cơm no rượu say |
|  | have eaten and drunk one's fill |
|  | cơm bưng nước rót |
|  | get red carpet treatment, be treated like a king |
|  | cơm chẳng lành canh chẳng ngọt |
|  | both the rice and the soup don't taste good, discord between husband and wife, family squabbles |
|  | cơm gà cá gỏi |
|  | dainty/delicate dish, delicacy |
|  | cơm hàng cháo chợ |
|  | without a settled home, with (of) no fixed abode |
|  | cơm áo gạo tiền |
|  | daily necessaries |
|  | giá áo túi cơm |
|  | good-for-nothing |
|  | cơm thì rau đau thì thuốc |
|  | when you eat it's vegetables, when you are sick, it's medicine |
 | động từ |
|  | (tiếng lóng) walk off with |
|  | ai đã cơm mất của tôi cái bút rồi |
| someone has walked off with my pen |