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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.blind1 S2 W3 /blaɪnd/ BrE AmE adjective
[Language: Old English]
a) unable to see ⇨ colour-blind, visually impaired, handicapped:
a school for blind children
the needs of blind people
totally/completely/almost/partially blind
She’s almost blind in her right eye.
He was slowly going blind (=becoming blind).
Beverley was born blind.
b) the blind [plural] people who are unable to see:
talking books for the blind
c) as blind as a bat unable to see well – used humorously:
I’m as blind as a bat without my glasses.
d) blind with tears/rage/pain etc unable to see because of tears, pain, or a strong emotion ⇨ blindly:
She screamed at him, her eyes blind with tears.
2. be blind to something to completely fail to notice or realize something ⇨ blindly:
International companies are all too often blind to local needs.
He was totally blind to the faults of his children.
3. turn a blind eye (to something) to deliberately ignore something that you know should not be happening:
Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school.
4. not take/pay a blind bit of notice British English informal to completely ignore what someone does or says, especially in a way that is annoying:
He never pays a blind bit of notice to what his staff tell him.
5. not make a blind bit of difference British English informal used to emphasize that whatever someone says or does will not change the situation at all:
Try and talk to her if you want, but I don’t think it’ll make a blind bit of difference.
a) blind faith/prejudice/obedience etc strong feelings that someone has without thinking about why they have them – used to show disapproval:
Blind faith sent thousands of people to a pointless war.
a story about blind loyalty
b) blind panic/rage strong feelings of fear or anger that you cannot control:
In a moment of blind panic, she had pulled the trigger and shot the man dead.
Blind rage took hold of him.
7. ROAD blind bend/corner a corner in a road that you cannot see beyond when you are driving
8. the blind leading the blind used to say that people who do not know much about what they are doing are guiding or advising others who know nothing at all
9. AIRCRAFT blind flying is when you use only instruments to fly an aircraft because you cannot see through cloud, mist etc
—blindness noun

II.blind2 BrE AmE verb [transitive]
1. to make it difficult for someone to see for a short time:
For a moment, I was blinded by the glare of headlights coming towards me.
The dust choked and blinded him.
Blinded by tears, I walked towards the door.
2. to make someone lose their good sense or judgment and be unable to see the truth about something:
He should have known better, but he was blinded by his own wants.
blind somebody to something
Children’s bad behaviour should not blind us to their need for love.
His single-minded determination to win the war is blinding him to other dangers.
3. to permanently destroy someone’s ability to see:
He had been blinded in an explosion.
4. blind somebody with science to confuse or trick someone by using complicated language
effing and blinding at ↑eff(1)
• • •
Unable to see
blind unable to see anything: She has been blind from birth.
partially-sighted not able to see things very well, although not completely blind: Good lighting can be very important for partially sighted people.
visually handicapped/impaired completely blind or not able to see very much – used especially in official reports, forms etc: a special school for visually impaired children
III.blind3 BrE AmE noun

1. (also (window) shade American English) [countable] a covering, especially one made of cloth, that can be rolled up and down to cover a window inside a building:
The blinds were drawn (=pulled down) to protect the new furniture from the sun.
open/pull down/draw the blinds ⇨ ↑roller blind, ↑Venetian blind
2. [countable] American English a small shelter where you can watch birds or animals without being seen by them SYN hide British English
3. [singular] a trick or excuse to stop someone from discovering the truth
IV.blind4 BrE AmE adverb

blind drunk British English informal extremely drunk
rob somebody blind at ↑rob(3), ⇨ swear blind at ↑swear(3)

tính từ
đui mù
to be blind in (of) one eye
chột mắt
(nghĩa bóng) không nhìn thấy, không thấy được
she was blind to her son's faults
bà ta không nhìn thấy khuyết điểm của con trai mình
mù quáng
không có lối ra, cụt (ngõ...)
a blind wall
tường không có cửa sổ, tường không có cửa ra vào
blind path
đường không lối ra, ngõ cụt
không rõ ràng, khó thấy, khó nhìn
blind hand
chữ viết khó đọc
blind letter
thư đề địa chỉ không rõ ràng; thư đề địa chỉ sai
blind reader
người phụ trách giải quyết những thư không rõ hoặc sai địa chỉ
blind stitch
đường khâu lẩn
a blind ditch
cống ngầm
blind to the world
say khướt; say bí tỉ
one's blind side
mặt sơ hở của mình
as blind as a bat
mù tịt
to turn a blind eye to sth
vờ không thấy cái gì
phó từ
to fly blind
bay mò (nhờ máy móc, chứ chẳng thấy gì đằng trước cả)
blind drunk
say bí tỉ; say khướt
to swear blind
nói dứt khoát; quả quyết
danh từ
bức màn che; mành mành, rèm
roller blind
mành mành cuốn
venetian blind
mành mành
miếng (da, vải) che mắt (ngựa)
cớ, bề ngoài giả dối
(từ lóng) chầu rượu bí tỉ
(quân sự) luỹ chắn, công sự
(the blind) (số nhiều) những người mù
the blind leading the blind
người mù dắt người mù đi, kẻ không biết gì mà lại bảo người khác làm theo mình
among the blind, the one-eyed man is king
(tục ngữ) trong xứ mù, thằng chột làm vua
ngoại động từ
làm đui mù, làm loà mắt
làm mù quáng
to blind sb with science
đem sở học của mình ra loè ai
nội động từ
đi liều, chạy ẩu (ô tô, mô tô)

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