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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.bond1 AC /bɒnd $ bɑːnd/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑bond, ↑bonding; verb: ↑bond]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old Norse; Origin: band]
1. MONEY an official document promising that a government or company will pay back money that it has borrowed, often with ↑interest:
My father put all his money into stock market bonds.
furious trading on the bond market ⇨ ↑junk bond, ↑premium bond, ↑savings bond
2. RELATIONSHIP something that unites two or more people or groups, such as love, or a shared interest or idea ⇨ tie
bond between
the emotional bond between mother and child
bond with
the United States’ special bond with Britain
bond of
lifelong bonds of friendship
3. bonds [plural] literary something that limits your freedom and prevents you from doing what you want
bonds of
the bonds of fear and guilt
4. WITH GLUE the way in which two surfaces become attached to each other using glue:
Use a glue gun to form a strong bond on wood or china.
5. CHEMISTRY technical the chemical force that holds atoms together in a ↑molecule:
In each methane molecule there are four CH bonds.
6. WRITTEN AGREEMENT a written agreement to do something, that makes you legally responsible for doing it ⇨ contract
7. my word is my bond formal used to say that you will definitely do what you have promised
8. in/out of bond technical in or out of a ↑bonded warehouse
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)
a close/strong bond A strong bond had developed between them.
a common bond (=one that people share) They shared a common bond – a love of literature.
a special bond There was a special bond between him and his mother.
an emotional bond As soon as we met we felt an emotional bond.
form/forge a bond (=make a bond) Frequently horses form a strong bond with their riders.
have a bond Twins often have a very close bond.
feel a bond The people of the island feel a strong bond with each other.
strengthen a bond Sharing experiences strengthens bonds with friends.
break/destroy a bond He didn’t want to do anything to break the bond between them.
a bond develops (=a bond of friendship developed between them) Over six months of working together, a close bond developed.
II.bond2 AC BrE AmE verb

[Word Family: noun: ↑bond, ↑bonding; verb: ↑bond]
1. [intransitive] if two things bond with each other, they become firmly fixed together, especially after they have been joined with glue:
It takes less than ten minutes for the two surfaces to bond.
2. [intransitive] to develop a special relationship with someone ⇨ bonding
bond with
Time must be given for the mother to bond with her baby.
3. [transitive] technical to keep goods in a bonded warehouse

danh từ
giao kèo; khế ước; hợp đồng
to enter into a bond to do something
ký giao kèo, cam kết làm điều gì
(nghĩa bóng) mối quan hệ; mối ràng buộc
the bonds of friendship/affection
những mối liên kết bằng hữu/thương mến
the trade agreement helped to strengthen the bonds between two countries
hiệp định thương mại đã giúp tăng cường các mối liên hệ giữa hai nước
trạng thái gắn chặt
this glue makes a good firm bond
keo này gắn chắc lắm
(tài chính) giấy chứng nhận do Nhà nước hoặc công ty phát hành xác nhận tiền đã cho vay và sẽ được trả lại cõlai kèm theo; kỳ phiếu; trái phiếu
National Savings bonds
Trái phiếu tiết kiệm quốc gia
Government bonds
Công trái
(số nhiều) gông cùm, xiềng xích, sự tù tội
in bonds
bị gông cùm, bị giam cầm
the bonds of oppression, tyranny, injustice
xiềng xích áp bức, bạo quyền, bất công
sự gửi vào kho
in bond
gửi vào kho (hàng hoá)
to take goods out of bond
lấy hàng ở kho ra
(vật lý) sự liên kết
atomic bond
liên kết nguyên tử
(kiến trúc) kiểu xây ghép (gạch, đá) để làm cho tường vững
ngoại động từ
gửi (hàng) vào kho
(kiến trúc) xây ghép (gạch, đá)

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