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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.broad1 S2 W2 /brɔːd $ brɒːd/ BrE AmE adjective
[Language: Old English; Origin: brad]
1. WIDE a road, river, or part of someone’s body etc that is broad is wide OPP narrowbreadth:
We went along a broad passage.
He was six feet tall, with broad shoulders.
six feet/three metres etc broad
The room is three metres long and two metres broad.
In everyday English, people usually say wide rather than broad:
a wide river/street/corridor
They sell a wide range of bikes.
Broad, however, is always used when descibing someone's shoulders or back.
2. INCLUDING A LOT including many different kinds of things or people OPP narrowbreadth:
The show aims to reach the broadest possible audience.
broad range/spectrum
Students here study a broad range of subjects.
broad category/field/area etc
Private pension schemes fall into two broad categories.
a party which lacks a broad base of political support
The play is a comedy, in the broadest sense of the word.
3. GENERAL concerning the main ideas or parts of something rather than all the details:
The client should understand, in broad terms, the likely cost of the case.
broad consensus/agreement etc
The members were in broad agreement.
broad outline/framework
I’ll give you a broad outline of the plan.
4. LARGE AREA covering a large area:
a broad expanse of water
5. WAY OF SPEAKING a broad ↑accent clearly shows where you come from SYN strong:
a broad Scottish accent
6. broad smile/grin a big smile:
Abby came in with a broad smile on her face.
7. in broad daylight if something, especially a crime, happens in broad daylight, it happens in the daytime and in public:
The attack happened in broad daylight, in one of the busiest parts of town.
8. broad hint a ↑hint (=suggestion) that is very clear and easy to understand:
In June he gave a broad hint that he might retire.
9. a broad church British English an organization that contains a wide range of opinions:
The Labour Party has to be a broad church.
10. HUMOUR broad humour is rather rude or concerned with sex
11. broad in the beam informal having large or fat ↑hips
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)
broad + NOUN
a broad range Sport is a part of a broad range of activities that we call leisure.
a broad spectrum (=range) Among the public there is a broad spectrum of opinion.
a broad category Our range of programmes fall into three broad categories.
a broad area/field (=including a lot of different things) Psychobiology is a broad area covering many different topics.
a broad cross-section (=a varied group that is typical of a larger varied group) We offer entertainment to appeal to a broad cross-section of people.
a broad base The course is designed to provide a broad base for students looking to work in IT.
a broad alliance/coalition The government was a broad alliance of eight political parties.
a broad curriculum (=one that includes a range of subjects) Students are encouraged to follow a broad curriculum in the first year.
have broad appeal (=be attractive to many different types of people) Their music has a very broad appeal.
II.broad2 BrE AmE noun [countable] American English spoken not polite
an offensive word for a woman

tính từ
a broad street
phố rộng
bao la, mênh mông
the broad ocean
đại dương bao la
rộng rãi, khoáng đạt, phóng khoáng
broad view
quan điểm rộng rãi
rõ, rõ ràng
broad facts
những sự kiện rõ ràng
in broad daylight
giữa ban ngày
broad hint
lời ám chỉ khá lộ liễu
thô tục, tục tĩu
a broad joke
câu nói đùa thô tục
a broad story
câu chuyện tục tĩu
khái quát, đại cương, chung, chính
to give one's view in broad outlines
trình bày quan điểm trên những nét đại cương
nặng (giọng nói)
to speak broad Scotch
nói tiếng Ê pom
it is as broad as it is long
quanh quanh thì cũng vẫn vậy (không có gì khác), trở đi trở lại thì cũng vẫn thế thôi
broad in the beam
(nói về người) mập quanh hông, có nây to
danh từ
chỗ rộng, phần rộng (của cái gì)
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) đàn bà
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) gái đĩ, gái điếm
(số nhiều) vùng hồ ở Đông Anglia nổi tiếng về du thuyền
Broad Church
nhóm chủ trương tự do lý giải giáo lý trong giáo hội Anh

saying & slang
girl, chick, prostitute
"Where's Mark?" "Over there, with the broads, as usual."

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