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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

comfortable S2 W3 /ˈkʌmftəbəl, ˈkʌmfət- $ ˈkʌmfərt-, ˈkʌmft-/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑comfort, ↑discomfort, ↑comforter; adverb: ↑comfortably ≠ ↑uncomfortably, ↑comfortingly; adjective: ↑comfortable ≠ ↑uncomfortable, ↑comforting; verb: ↑comfort]
1. FURNITURE/PLACES/CLOTHES ETC making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc ⇨ comfort
comfortable chair/bed/sofa etc
The bed wasn’t particularly comfortable.
comfortable room/lounge/hotel etc
Joyce has a comfortable apartment in Portland.
comfortable clothes/shoes/boots etc
Wear loose comfortable clothing.
comfortable to wear/use/sit on etc
Linen is very comfortable to wear.
2. PHYSICALLY RELAXED feeling physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc ⇨ comfort:
I was so comfortable and warm in bed I didn’t want to get up.
Sit down and make yourself comfortable.
With difficulty, she rolled her body into a more comfortable position.
3. CONFIDENT [not before noun] confident, relaxed, and not worried
comfortable with
She’s never felt very comfortable with men.
In our business, we need people who are comfortable in an unstructured environment.
4. MONEY having enough money to buy the things you need or want, without having to worry about how much they cost
comfortable life/retirement/existence etc
Jean’s looking forward to a comfortable retirement.
5. COMPETITION/VOTE [usually before noun] if you have a comfortable win or lead, you win or are leading by a large amount
comfortable win/victory
The pair had a comfortable win, beating the German team by nearly three seconds.
The bill should pass in the House by a comfortable margin.
Another penalty from Roberts gave the home team a comfortable half-time lead.
6. ILL/INJURED [not before noun] if someone who is ill or injured is comfortable, they are not in too much pain
• • •
chair/bed/sofa etc Is that chair comfortable?
bedroom/lounge etc The bedroom was large and comfortable with a view of the river.
home/hotel/apartment etc This is a friendly and comfortable hotel.
comfortable clothes/shoes/boots etc You’ll need comfortable shoes for walking around the city.
a comfortable position When driving, make sure you are seated in a comfortable position.
comfortable surroundings (=comfortable things around you) Relax in the comfortable surroundings of the hotel.
comfortable to wear/use/ride etc My bike isn’t very comfortable to ride.
warm and comfortable The house is warm and comfortable even in winter.
feel comfortable You’ll probably feel most comfortable wearing cotton clothes.
look comfortable That sofa looks wonderfully comfortable.
make something comfortable There are lots of ways you can make your home more comfortable to live in.
• • •
comfortable making you feel physically relaxed, and not too hard, hot, cold etc. Also used about people feeling physically relaxed: The hotel was very comfortable. | I tried to get into a more comfortable position.
comfy informal comfortable – used especially about furniture and clothes: a comfy armchair | These shoes are very comfy. | Are you comfy?
cosy British English, cozy
American English comfortable and warm – used especially about small rooms, houses etc: There’s a cosy lounge with a real fire. | a cozy apartment
snug small, warm, and comfortable, especially in a way that makes you feel protected – used especially about rooms, houses etc. Also used about people feeling warm and comfortable: It was very cold outside, but our tents were snug and warm. | She wished she was back in her snug little house. | I’m snug as a rug in here! (=very snug – an informal use BrE)
smooth a smooth journey is comfortable because your car or plane does not shake, or the sea is not rough: Did you have a smooth flight? | a smooth crossing
comfortable chair/bed/house/position/person
comfy chair/clothes/person
cosy room/house/fire
snug room/house/person
smooth journey/crossing/flight

tính từ
tiện lợi, đủ tiện nghi; ấm cúng
a comfortable room
căn phòng ấm cúng
dễ chịu, thoải mái, khoan khoái
a comfortable bed, position
một cái giừơng, tư thế thoải mái
to feel comfortable
cảm thấy dễ chịu
make yourself comfortable
xin anh cứ tự nhiên thoải mái
she made herself comfortable in a big chair
cô ta thấy khoan khoái trong một chiếc ghế bành lớn
a comfortable life, job
một cuộc sống, công việc dễ chịu
sung túc, phong lưu
a comfortable life
cuộc sống sung túc
to be in comfortable circumstances
sống đầy đủ phong lưu
yên tâm, không băn khoăn, không lo lắng
I do not feel comfortable about it
tôi cảm thấy không yên tâm về điều đó
kha khá; khấm khá
a comfortable income
một khoản thu nhập khấm khá

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