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concert S3 W3 /ˈkɒnsət $ ˈkɑːnsərt/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French; Origin: Italian concerto, from concertare; ⇨ ↑concerted]
1. a performance given by musicians or singers:
a rock concert
a concert of French choral music
We were going to a concert in Bath Abbey.
She still does about 100 concerts every year.
2. in concert (with somebody)
a) formal people who do something in concert do it together after having agreed on it:
Britain has to pursue policies in concert with other EU members.
It appeared that both the accused were acting in concert in the attack upon the deceased.
b) playing or singing at a concert:
They’re appearing in concert tonight at the Royal Concert Hall.
• • •
go to a concert (also attend a concert
formal) Do you want to go to the concert in the park this weekend?
give/do a concert The group gave concerts for charity throughout Europe.
play in/perform in a concert I'm playing in a jazz concert on Saturday night.
put on a concert (also stage a concert formal) (=arrange one) The music club puts on regular concerts throughout the year.
a pop/rock/jazz/classical concert There were 150,000 people at the rock concert in Frankfurt.
an orchestral concert/a symphony concert (=one in which an orchestra plays) Tickets for orchestral concerts range from $15 to $35.
a live concert (=that you watch as the performers play, rather than as a recording) a live concert in front of 500 fans
an open-air/outdoor concert Clapton thrilled fans at a huge outdoor concert in New York.
a charity concert (=performed to raise money for charity) 600 tickets have already been sold for the charity concert in June.
a gala concert (=performed to celebrate a special occasion) a 75th anniversary gala concert
a brass-band concert (=performed by a brass band)
a concert performance She gave a number of concert performances in Berlin.
a concert tour (=a journey made by musicians to perform in different places) This year we did a concert tour of the United States.
a concert hall On the last night, the concert hall was packed.
a concert ticket Concert tickets are available from $17.50.
a concert pianist (=who performs in concerts) Her ambition was to become a concert pianist.

danh từ
sự phối hợp, sự hoà hợp
to act in concert with
hành động phối hợp với
buổi hoà nhạc
ngoại động từ
dự tính, sắp đặt; bàn định, bàn tính; phối hợp

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