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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.cutting1 /ˈkʌtɪŋ/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑cut, ↑cutting, ↑cutter; verb: ↑cut, ↑undercut; adjective: ↑cutting]
1. a stem or leaf that is cut from a plant and put in soil or water to grow into a new plant
2. British English an article that has been cut from a newspaper or magazine SYN clipping
press/newspaper cuttings
Margot sent him some press cuttings about the wedding.
3. British English a passage that has been dug through high ground for a railway, road etc SYN cut American English
• • •
article a piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine about a particular subject: Greg began his career writing articles for the college magazine. | an interesting newspaper article
story an article in a newspaper about a recent event, especially one that a lot of people find interesting or exciting: a front-page story | I read a newspaper story about the crash. | The local paper ran a story (=published a story) about the festival.
piece a short article in a newspaper or magazine: I’ve written a couple of pieces for the New York Times magazine. | The piece was first published in the Observer.
feature a special article about a particular subject, often with photographs and continuing for several pages: They had a special feature on Croatia. | The paper did a big feature on growing your own food.
review an article in a newspaper or magazine about a book, play, product, hotel etc, giving someone’s opinion of it: The play had rave reviews (=people liked it a lot - an informal use). | Did you see the review of the new Coldplay album?
column an article by a particular writer that appears regularly in a newspaper or magazine: He has a weekly column in the TImes. | She writes a newspaper column on gardening.
editorial a piece of writing in a newspaper that gives the personal opinion of the editor about something that is in the news: Several years ago the New York Times published an editorial stating that the appropriate minimum wage is $0.00.
cutting British English an article that has been cut from a newspaper or magazine: His mother has kept all his old press cuttings.
II.cutting2 BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑cut, ↑cutting, ↑cutter; verb: ↑cut, ↑undercut; adjective: ↑cutting]
unkind and intended to upset someone:
a cutting remark

danh từ
sự cắt, sự thái, sự xẻo (thịt...), sự xén (giấy...), sự chặt (cây...), sự đào (mương...), sự đục (đá...)
đường hào, đường nhỏ xuyên qua rừng; đường xẻ xuyên qua núi đồi
railway cutting
đường xe lửa xuyên qua núi đồi
cành giâm
bài báo cắt ra; tranh ảnh cắt ra
(số nhiều) vỏ bào (gỗ, kim loại) mảnh cắt ra; mẩu vải thừa
sự giảm, sự bớt (giá, lương)
tính từ
sắc bén (dao...)
buốt, cắt da cắt thịt (rét...)
(nghĩa bóng) chua cay, cay độc, gay gắt
a cutting remark
lời phê bình gay gắt

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