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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.deadly1 /ˈdedli/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑dead, ↑death, deadliness; adjective: ↑dead, ↑deadly, ↑deathly; adverb: ↑deadly, ↑deathly; verb: ↑deaden]
1. VERY DANGEROUS likely to cause death SYN lethal:
a deadly poison
a deadly weapon
deadly disease/virus
2. deadly enemy someone who will always be your enemy and will try to harm you as much as possible:
The two rapidly became deadly enemies.
3. COMPLETE complete or total:
We sat in deadly silence.
He was in deadly earnest (=completely serious).
4. VERY EFFECTIVE causing harm in a very effective way:
She hit the target with deadly accuracy.
5. LIKE DEATH [only before noun] like death in appearance:
His face had a deadly paleness.
seven deadly sins at ↑sin1(1)
• • •
poisonous containing or producing a substance that is likely to kill you, or make you very ill: poisonous gas | poisonous snakes | The plant is poisonous to humans and animals.
toxic toxic chemicals and waste are poisonous to people and the environment: Crops were sprayed with highly toxic chemicals. | Lead is toxic to humans. | The site was used for the disposal of toxic waste.
noxious [usually before noun] formal noxious substances and gases are poisonous: Vehicles pollute the air with noxious fumes | The soil may be contaminated with noxious substances.
hazardous [usually before noun] hazardous substances are likely to harm people, animals, or the environment if they are not dealt with or got rid of carefully: Lead is one of the most hazardous substances known, causing cancer and nerve damage. | The building is now unoccupied, and all radioactive or hazardous materials have been removed. | hazardous nuclear waste
deadly extremely poisonous and likely to kill you – used especially about poisons and snakes: a deadly poison | a deadly snake | Terrorists plotted to release a deadly gas.
II.deadly2 BrE AmE adverb

[Word Family: noun
: ↑dead, ↑death, deadliness; adjective
: ↑dead, ↑deadly, ↑deathly; adverb: ↑deadly, ↑deathly; verb: ↑deaden]
deadly serious/dull/boring etc very serious, dull etc:
I’m deadly serious, this isn’t a game!

tính từ
làm chết người, trí mạng, chí tử
a deadly poison
thuốc độc chết người
deadly blow
đòn chí tử
deadly hatred
mối thù không đội trời chung
a deadly enemy
kẻ tử thù, kẻ thù không đội trời chung
a deadly sin
tội lớn
(thuộc) sự chết chóc; như chết
deadly paleness
sự xanh mét, sự tái nhợt như thây ma
vô cùng, hết sức
to be in deadly haste
hết sức vội vàng
phó từ
như chết
deadly pale
xanh mét như thây ma, nhợt nhạt như thây ma
vô cùng, hết sức, cực kỳ

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