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deaf W3 /def/ BrE AmE adjective
[Language: Old English]
1. physically unable to hear anything or unable to hear well ⇨ hearing impaired:
communication between deaf and hearing people
I think Mum’s going a bit deaf.
She’s deaf and dumb (=unable to hear or speak) and communicates using sign language.
Tom was born profoundly deaf (=having great difficulty hearing).
stone deaf/deaf as a post informal (=completely deaf) ⇨ ↑hard of hearing, ↑tone-deaf
2. the deaf [plural] people who are deaf:
a school for the deaf
3. be deaf to something literary to be unwilling to hear or listen to something:
She was deaf to his pleas.
4. turn a deaf ear (to something) to be unwilling to listen to what someone is saying or asking:
The factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the workers.
5. fall on deaf ears if advice or a warning falls on deaf ears, everyone ignores it
—deafness noun
• • •
go deaf (=become deaf) By the time he was 50 he had begun to go deaf.
be born deaf If the mother gets the disease, her baby may be born deaf.
leave somebody deaf (=cause someone to become deaf) A blow on the head left him permanently deaf.
totally deaf (=completely deaf) He was totally deaf, and unable to walk.
partially deaf (=partly deaf) Most children who are partially deaf can be taught in normal schools.
stone deaf informal (=completely deaf) She must be stone deaf if she didn’t hear all that noise!
profoundly deaf technical (=completely deaf) Many profoundly deaf children have great difficulty in learning to read.
as deaf as a post informal (=completely deaf) He won’t hear you - he’s as deaf as a post.
deaf in one ear The illness left her deaf in one ear.
• • •
deaf adjective
physically unable to hear anything, or unable to hear well: Deaf people use sign language to communicate.
be hard of hearing to have difficulty hearing things, for example because you are old: You’ll have to speak up – she’s a bit hard of hearing. | subtitles for the hard of hearing
hearing-impaired formal adjective having a permanent physical condition which makes it difficult for you to hear things: Not all hearing-impaired people are completely deaf.

tính từ
deaf of an ear; deaf in one ear
điếc một tai
deaf and dumb
điếc và câm
a deaf ear
tai điếc
làm thinh, làm ngơ
to be deaf to someone's advice
làm thinh không nghe lời khuyên của ai
to turn a deaf ear to something
làm thinh như không nghe thấy cái gì
as deaf as an adder (a beetle, a stone, a doorpost)
điếc đặc, điếc lòi ra
there are none so deaf as those that will not hear
không có kẻ nào điếc hơn là kẻ không muốn nghe (lẽ phải...)

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