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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.deck1 /dek/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Middle Dutch; Origin: dec 'roof, covering']
a) the outside top level of a ship that you can walk or sit on:
Let’s go up on deck.
above/below deck
Peter stayed below deck.
b) one of the different levels on a ship
main/passenger/car etc deck
a staircase leading to the passenger deck
2. ON A BUS, PLANE ETC one of the levels on a bus, plane etc
lower/upper etc deck
I managed to find a seat on the upper deck.
Eddie returned to the flight deck (=the part of an aircraft where the pilot sits). ⇨ ↑double-decker(1), ↑single-decker
3. AT THE BACK OF A HOUSE American English a wooden floor built out from the back of a house, where you can sit and relax outdoors ⇨ decking:
deck furniture
4. MUSIC a piece of equipment used for playing music tapes, records etc
cassette/tape/record deck
5. CARDS a set of playing cards SYN pack British English:
Irene shuffled the deck.
a deck of cards
all hands on deck at ↑hand1(38), ⇨ clear the decks at ↑clear2(17), ⇨ hit the deck at ↑hit1(17)
• • •
floor one of the levels in a building: She lives in an apartment on the eighteenth floor.
storey British English, story
American English used when saying how many levels a building has: a five-storey car park | The school is a single storey building.
the ground floor (also the first floor American English) the floor of a building that is at ground level: There is a shop on the ground floor. | The emergency room is on the first floor.
the first floor British English, the second floor American English the floor of a building above the one at ground level: She lives on the first floor.
deck one of the levels on a ship, bus, or plane: The Horizon Lounge is on the top deck of the ship.
II.deck2 BrE AmE verb [transitive]
[Sense 1: Date: 1500-1600; Language: Dutch; Origin: dekken 'to cover']
[Sense 2: Date: 1900-2000; Origin: ⇨ ↑deck1]
1. (also deck something out) [usually passive] to decorate something with flowers, flags etc
deck something (out) with something
The street was decked with flags for the royal wedding.
2. informal to hit someone so hard that they fall over:
Gerry just swung round and decked him.

danh từ
boong tàu, sàn tàu
on deck
trên boong
upper deck
boong trên
lower deck
boong dưới
tầng trên, tầng nóc (xe buýt hai tầng)
(hàng không), (từ lóng) đất, mặt đất
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) cỗ bài
to clear the decks for action
chuẩn bị chiến đấu (tàu chiến)
(nghĩa bóng) chuẩn bị hành động, sẵn sàng hành động
on deck
(thông tục) sẵn sàng hành động
ngoại động từ
trang hoàng, tô điểm
to deck oneself out with fine jewels
tô điểm bằng các đồ trang sức đẹp
(hàng hải) đóng dàn (tàu)
(thông tục) hạ đo ván

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