Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary
dis‧in‧terest‧ed /dɪsˈɪntrəstəd, dɪsˈɪntrɪstəd/ BrE AmE adjective [Word Family: adverb: ↑interestingly, ↑disinterestedly; adjective: ↑interested ≠ ↑disinterested ≠ ↑uninterested, ↑interesting ≠ UNINTERESTING; verb: ↑interest; noun: ↑interest ≠ ↑disinterest] 1. able to judge a situation fairly because you are not concerned with gaining any personal advantage from it SYN objective, impartial, unbiased: A lawyer should provide disinterested advice. 2. not interested. Many teachers think that this is not correct English ⇨ uninterested —disinterestedly adverb
disinterestedhu◎ | [dis'intristid] | ※ | tính từ | | ■ | vô tư, không vụ lợi, không cầu lợi | | ☆ | disinterested help | | sự giúp đỡ vô tư |
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