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family S1 W1 /ˈfæməli/ BrE AmE noun (plural families)
[Word Family: noun: ↑familiarity ≠ ↑unfamiliarity, ↑family, ↑familiarization; adjective: ↑familiar ≠ ↑unfamiliar, ↑familial; verb: ↑familiarize; adverb: ↑familiarly]
[Date: 1400-1500; Origin: familia 'people living in a house', from famulus 'servant']

1. CLOSELY RELATED GROUP [countable] a group of people who are related to each other, especially a mother, a father, and their children:
Do you know the family next door?
The Webb family still has its farm over there.
[also + plural verb] British English:
The family now live in London.
This house isn’t big enough for a family of seven.
2. ALL YOUR RELATIONS [C,U also + plural verb BrE] all the people you are related to, including those who are now dead:
I’m moving to Detroit because I have some family there.
My family come from Scotland originally.
in sb’s family
That painting has been in our family (=been owned by our family) for 200 years.
Asthma runs in the family (=is common in the family).
3. CHILDREN [countable] children:
Couples with young families wouldn’t want to live here.
They’re getting married next year, and hope to start a family (=have children) straight away.
bring up/raise a family
the problems of bringing up a family on a very low income
4. family size/pack etc a container or package containing a large amount of a product
5. GROUP OF ANIMALS/THINGS [countable] technical a group of related animals, plants, languages etc
the cat/parrot/squirrel etc family
The cat family includes lions and tigers.
Spanish and Italian are part of the Romance language family.
6. she’s/he’s family informal used to emphasize your connection with someone who is related to you
7. in the family way old-fashionedpregnant
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meanings 1 & 2)
the whole family We invited the whole family round.
all the family This is a game which all the family can enjoy.
somebody's immediate family (=closest relations) What if one of your immediate family were disabled?
somebody's extended family (=including not only parents and children, but also grandparents, aunts etc) She gets a lot of help from her extended family.
a large/small family She came from a large family of seven children.
a one-parent/single-parent family One in seven families is a one-parent family.
the nuclear family (=a family consisting of a mother, a father, and their children) Not everyone lives in a typical nuclear family.
close/close-knit family (=spending a lot of time together and supporting each other) Laura's family are very close.
the Royal family (=the king or queen and their family) The Royal Family have large estates in Scotland.
the Smith/Jones/Brown etc family The Smith family are living in temporary accommodation.
family + NOUN
a family member/a member of the family The event was attended by many of his family members, including his children and grandchildren.
somebody's family background He comes from a stable family background.
a family history Is there a family history of heart disease?
family life Some people believe that television is destroying family life.
a family unit the breakup of the traditional family unit
somebody's family home (=where someone's family live and where they lived as a child) Her family home is in a village outside Derry.
a family business (=one run by members of a family) My parents expected me to join the family business.
a family car (=one designed for families with children) It's a practical family car that is also fun to drive.
a family holiday British English, a family vacation
AmE: Most of our family holidays were spent in the south of France.
a family resemblance (=when members of the same family look like each other) There's a strong family resemblance between all the sisters.
Do not say 'my family is five', 'my family is five members/people', or 'my family is of five members/people'. Say there are five people in my family.



A family is a group of related people.

danh từ
gia đình, gia quyến
a large family
gia đình đông con
con cái trong gia đình
dòng dõi, gia thế
chủng tộc
(sinh vật học), (ngôn ngữ học) họ
in a family way
tự nhiên như người trong nhà
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) có mang
in the family way
có mang
happy family
thú khác loại nhốt chung một chuồng
to run in the family
là đặc điểm lưu truyền trong gia đình
to start a family
bắt đầu sinh con đẻ cái

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