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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

fitness /ˈfɪtnəs, ˈfɪtnɪs/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑fit, ↑fitting, ↑fitness, ↑fitter, ↑misfit; adjective: ↑fitted, ↑fitting, ↑fit ≠ ↑unfit; verb: fit; adverb: fittingly]
1. when you are healthy and strong enough to do hard work or play sports:
an exercise programme to improve your fitness
Running marathons requires a high level of physical fitness.
2. the degree to which someone or something is suitable or good enough for a particular situation or purpose
fitness for
He questioned McNeil’s fitness for high office.
fitness to do something
The doctor will first determine your fitness to receive the anaesthetic.
• • •
improve your fitness You can improve your fitness by going for a daily run.
increase your fitness Aerobic exercise, such as jogging or cycling, will increase your fitness.
work on your fitness (=try to improve your fitness) He's working on his fitness in preparation for the New York marathon.
maintain your fitness (=keep your body at a good level of fitness) She worked hard to maintain her fitness while pregnant.
physical fitness (=how healthy your body is) You need a reasonable level of physical fitness for this job.
general fitness Swimming is good for your mobility and general fitness.
personal fitness The gym offers personal fitness training by professionals.
fitness + NOUN
fitness levels His fitness levels are as good as someone much younger.
a fitness programme British English, a fitness program AmE: Get working on a fitness programme to suit you.
fitness training The players have to do a lot of fitness training.
a fitness instructor He was offered work as a fitness instructor.
a fitness room Other facilities in the hotel include a fitness room and a sauna.
fitness equipment We sell a range of exercise and fitness equipment for the home.
a fitness fanatic informal (=someone who likes exercising a lot) My son's something of a fitness fanatic, and works out every day.
a fitness test (=an examination to see if a sports player is fully fit) Chris Pike is facing a fitness test before tomorrow's match.
health and fitness books about health and fitness

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