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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.great1 S1 W1 /ɡreɪt/ BrE AmE adjective (comparative greater, superlative greatest)
[Word Family: noun: ↑greatness, ↑great; adverb: ↑greatly; adjective: ↑great]
[Language: Old English]
1. LARGE [usually before noun] very large in amount or degree:
The movie was a great success.
The news came as possibly the greatest shock of my life.
The paintings cost a great deal (=a lot) of money.
John always takes great care over his work.
It gives me great pleasure (=I am very pleased) to introduce tonight’s speaker.
It’s a great pity that none of his poems survive.
The temptation was too great to resist.
2. EXCELLENT especially spoken
very good SYN wonderful, fantastic:
The weather here is great.
It’s great to be home.
a great day out for all the family
sound/taste/smell/feel etc great
I worked out this morning and I feel great.
You look great in that dress.
great for doing something
Email’s great for keeping in touch.
the great thing about somebody/something (=the very good thing about someone or something)
The great thing about Alex is that he’s always willing to explain things to you.
a) [usually before noun] important or having a lot of influence:
one of the greatest scientific achievements of our time
What makes a novel truly great?
great historical events
b) used in the title of a person or event that was very important in the past
Peter/Catherine etc the Great
I’m reading a biography of Alexander the Great.
the Great Depression
the Great War old-fashioned (=World War I)
4. GENEROUS very good or generous in a way that people admire:
a great humanitarian gesture
5. EXTREMELY SKILFUL famous for being able to do something extremely well:
Ali was undoubtedly one of the greatest boxers of all time.
a book about the lives of the great composers
6. BIG written very big SYN huge:
A great crowd had gathered.
A great iron stove filled half the room.
7. great big spoken very big:
Get your great big feet off my table!
8. DOING SOMETHING A LOT used to emphasize that someone does something a lot
a great talker/reader/admirer etc
Anthony’s a great talker – sometimes you just can’t get a word in.
Len was a great believer in the power of positive thinking.
be a great one for doing something
She’s a great one for telling stories about her schooldays.
9. to a greater or lesser extent used to emphasize that something is always true, even though it is more true or noticeable in some situations than others:
Most companies operate in conditions that are to a greater or lesser extent competitive.
10. be no great shakes informal to not be very good, interesting, or skilful:
The work’s no great shakes, but at least I’m earning.
11. be going great guns informal to be doing something extremely well:
After a slow start, the Tigers are going great guns.
12. BAD spoken informal used when you are disappointed or annoyed about something:
‘Daniel’s cancelled the party.’ ‘Oh great!’
13. ANIMAL/BIRD/PLANT ETC used in the names of some animals or plants, especially when they are bigger than other animals or plants of the same type:
the Great Crested Grebe
14. the great outdoors informal the countryside, considered as enjoyable and healthy:
He had a taste for adventure and the great outdoors.
15. great minds (think alike) spoken used humorously when you and another person have had the same idea
16. the greater good a general advantage that you can only gain by losing or harming something that is considered less important:
Some wars are fought for the greater good.
17. the great apes the different types of animals that are similar to large monkeys, considered as a group:
Alone of the great apes, the gorilla is not very efficient at using tools.
18. the great divide a situation in which there is a big difference between groups in society, areas of a country etc, for example a big difference between their wealth or attitudes:
The great divide between north and south seems to be as unbridgeable as ever.
19. Greater London/Los Angeles/Manchester etc London, Los Angeles etc and its outer areas
20. huge/enormous great British English spoken used to emphasize how big something is
21. great Scott!/great Heavens! spoken old-fashioned used to express shock or surprise
22. great with child literary very soon to have a baby
—greatness noun
She was destined for greatness.
II.great2 BrE AmE noun

[Word Family: noun
: ↑greatness, ↑great; adverb: ↑greatly; adjective: ↑great]
1. [countable usually plural] a very successful and famous person in a particular sport, profession etc:
Jack Nicklaus is one of golf’s all-time greats.
I think his show’s OK, but I wouldn’t call him one of the greats.
2. the great and the good people who are considered important – used humorously
• • •
a very famous person
superstar an extremely famous performer, especially a musician or film actor: The film made Tom Cruise an international superstar.
legend someone who is famous and admired for being extremely good at doing something – used especially about people who are at the end of a long career or who have died: blues legend John Lee Hooker | Jane Fonda is the daughter of film legend Henry Fonda.
great [usually plural] someone who was one of the best players or performers that there have ever been: He was one of the all-time soccer greats.

tính từ
lớn, to lớn, vĩ đại
a great wind
cơn gió lớn
a great distance
một khoảng cách lớn
the Great October Socialist Revolution
cuộc cách mạng xã hội chủ nghĩa tháng mười vĩ đại
a great writer
một nhà văn lớn
the Great Powers
các nước lớn mạnh, các cường quốc
a great scoundrel
thằng đại bợm
the great majority
đại đa số
at a great pace
đi rất nhanh
hết sức, rất
with great care
cẩn thận hết sức
to pay great attention to
hết sức chú ý tới
an antique of great price
một món đồ cổ rất quý
cao quý, ca cả, cao thượng
he appeared greater in adversity than ever before
trong lúc hoạn nạn anh ấy tỏ ra cao thượng hơn bao giờ hết
tuyệt hay, thật là thú vị
that is great!
thật là tuyệt!
to have great time
được hưởng một thời gian thú tuyệt
giỏi, thạo cừ, hiểu rõ, hiểu tường tận
to be great on
hiểu rõ, biết rõ, hiểu tường tận về (cái gì)
to be great at
rất giỏi về (cái gì)
thân (với ai)
to be great with somebody
thân với ai
to be great with child
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) có mang, có chửa
great dozen
tá mười ba
great many
to have a great mind to
(xem) mind
to live to a great age
sống đến tận lúc tuổi già, sống lâu
to take a great interest in
rất quan tâm đến
to be no great shakes
không thích hợp, không phù hợp
going great guns
sinh động và đạt hiệu quả cao
great and small
giàu nghèo, mạnh yếu
to make great strides
tiến bộ, tiến triển theo chiều hướng tốt
your need is greater than mine
anh cần cái đó hơn là tôi cần
danh từ
(the great) những người vĩ đại
(số nhiều) kỳ thi tốt nghiệp tú tài văn chương tại trường đại học Ôc-phớt

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