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identify S2 W1 AC /aɪˈdentəfaɪ, aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle identified, present participle identifying, third person singular identifies) [transitive]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑identification, ↑identity; adjective: ↑identifiable, ↑unidentified; verb: ↑identify]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Late Latin; Origin: identificare, from Latin idem; ⇨ ↑identity]
1. to recognize and correctly name someone or something:
He was too far away to be able to identify faces.
The police took fingerprints and identified the body.
identify somebody/something as somebody/something
Eyewitnesses identified the gunman as an army sergeant.
The aircraft were identified as American.
2. to recognize something or discover exactly what it is, what its nature or origin is etc:
Scientists have identified the gene that causes abnormal growth.
They identified a number of problem areas.
3. if a particular thing identifies someone or something, it makes them easy to recognize
identify somebody as somebody
His accent identified him as a Frenchman.
identify with phrasal verb
1. identify with somebody/something to feel sympathy with someone or be able to share their feelings:
Humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees.
He identified with our distress.
2. identify somebody with something to think that someone is very closely related to or involved with something such as a political group:
She has always been identified with the radical left.
3. identify something with somebody/something to think that something is the same as, or closely related to, something else:
the attempt to identify crime with poverty and social problems
• • •
recognize to know who someone is or what something is, especially because you have seen or heard them before: I hadn’t seen her for ten years, but I recognized her immediately. | Do you recognize this song?
identify to recognize someone or something and say who or what they are: As they came closer, I was able to identify two of the group. | It’s delicious but I can’t quite identify the taste.
distinguish to recognize and understand the difference between two or more things or people: By this age, kids can usually distinguish between right and wrong. | It’s often difficult to distinguish identical twins from each other.
make something/somebody out to be able to see or hear something or someone – used when it is very difficult to do this: In the distance, I could just make out the outline of an island. | He whispered something but I couldn’t make out what it was.
discern /dɪˈsɜːn $ -ɜːrn/ formal to notice or understand something by looking carefully or thinking about it carefully: I thought I discerned a faint gleam of hope in his eyes. | A number of differences can be discerned in the data for the three countries.

ngoại động từ
(to identify somebody / something as somebody / something) nhận ra, nhận biết, nhận dạng
can you identify your umbrella among this lot?
ông có nhận ra được cái ô của ông trong đống này không?
she identified the man as her attacker
cô ta nhận ra người đó là kẻ đã tấn công mình
(to identify something with something) coi cái gì như là giống hệt cái gì; đặt hai cái gì ngang hàng nhau; đồng nhất hoá, coi như nhau
one cannot identify happiness with health
không thể đồng nhất hạnh phúc với sự giàu có được
to identify oneself with somebody/something
ủng hộ ai/cái gì; gắn bó chặt chẽ với ai/cái gì
to identify oneself with a party
gắn bó chặt chẽ với một đảng
nội động từ
(to identify with somebody) tự xem mình như là cùng chia sẻ các đặc điểm hoặc vận may rủi của ai; lấy ai làm mẫu; đồng cảm với ai
to identify with the hero of the novel
đồng cảm với nhân vật chính trong cuốn tiểu thuyết

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