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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.kiss1 S3 W3 /kɪs/ BrE AmE verb
[Language: Old English; Origin: cyssan]

1. [intransitive and transitive] to touch someone with your lips as a greeting, to show them love, or as part of a sexual relationship:
Maggie leaned forward and kissed her cheek.
Georgina took him in her arms and kissed him on the lips.
Jim and Mary kissed (=they kissed each other).
kiss somebody gently/lightly
He kissed her gently and stroked her hair.
kiss somebody goodbye/good night etc
Kiss Daddy good night.
2. [transitive] to touch something with your lips as a sign of respect:
She raised the crucifix to her lips and kissed it.
3. kiss goodbye to something/kiss something goodbye informal to accept that you will lose something or lose an opportunity to do something:
She knew if she concentrated on her marriage she could kiss her career goodbye.
4. kiss something better spoken used, especially to a child, to say that you will take away the pain of something by kissing them:
Here, let Mommy kiss it better.
5. kiss my ass American English informal not polite an insulting expression used to show that you do not respect someone
6. kiss (sb’s) ass American English informal not polite to be too nice to someone who can give you something you want – used to show disapproval
7. [transitive] literary if the wind, sun etc kisses something, it gently moves or touches it
kiss up to somebody phrasal verb
American English informal
to try to please someone in order to get them to do something for you – used to show disapproval SYN suck up to British English:
If you say that, it’ll look like you’re kissing up to me.
II.kiss2 BrE AmE noun
1. an act of kissing:
Do you remember your first kiss?
2. give somebody the kiss of life especially British English to make someone start breathing again by blowing air into their lungs when they have almost ↑drowned etc
3. the kiss of death informal something that spoils or ruins a plan, activity etc
⇨ ↑French kiss
• • •
give somebody a kiss I always give the kids a kiss before they go to school. | Come and give Mummy a kiss good night.
blow somebody a kiss (=to kiss your hand and then blow across it towards someone) Joe blew her a kiss and waved goodbye.
plant a kiss on somebody's cheek/forehead etc (=to kiss someone on their cheek etc) Stephen planted a kiss on his daughter’s forehead.
a big/little kiss She put her arms around him and gave him a big kiss.
a quick kiss He gave her a quick kiss before leaving for work.
a gentle/tender kiss She could still feel that last tender kiss.
a passionate kiss She gave him a passionate kiss.
a long/lingering kiss He gave her a a long, slow, lingering kiss.
a sloppy kiss (=a kiss with rather wet lips) Her little boy gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
a farewell/goodnight kiss (=when saying goodbye or goodnight to someone) Don’t go to bed without your goodnight kiss!
your first kiss Where were you when you had your first kiss?
a French kiss (=a sexual kiss using your tongue) The couple shared a lingering French kiss.
love and kisses (=used at the end of a letter ) See you soon. Lots of love and kisses from Anna.

danh từ
cái hôn; nụ hôn
to give somebody a kiss
trao cho ai một nụ hôn; hôn ai một cái
sự chạm nhẹ (của hai hòn bi-a đang lăn)
kẹo bi đường
to snatch/steal a kiss
hôn trộm
stolen kisses are sweet
(tục ngữ) của ăn vụng bao giờ cũng ngon
to blow somebody a kiss
hôn tay mình, rồi làm như gửi cái hôn ấy cho gió (hướng về phía ai)
the kiss of death
việc làm bề ngoài có thiện chí mà lại chịu thất bại tất yếu; nụ hôn tử thần
One of those polite lukewarm reviews that are the kiss of death for a commercial film
Một trong những bài phê bình lịch thiệp thiếu nhiệt tình ấy đã trở thành nụ hôn tử thần đối với một bộ phim thương mại
ngoại động từ
they kissed passionately when she arrived
họ hôn nhau say đắm khi cô ta đến
to kiss the children good night
hôn chúc trẻ con ngủ ngon
she kissed him on the lips
nàng hôn lên môi chàng
(nghĩa bóng) chạm khẽ, chạm lướt (sóng, gió)
the waves kiss the sand beach
sóng khẽ lướt vào bãi cát
chạm nhẹ (những hòn bi đang lăn)
to kiss and be friends
làm lành hoà giải với nhau
to kiss the book
hôn quyển kinh thánh khi làm lễ tuyên thệ
to kiss the dust
tự hạ mình, khúm núm quỵ luỵ
bị giết
to kiss good-bye
hôn tạm biệt, hôn chia tay
to kiss the ground
phủ phục, quỳ mọp xuống (để tạ ơn...)
(nghĩa bóng) bị đánh bại, bị hạ đo ván, bị đánh gục
to kiss one's hand to someone
vẫy vẫy gửi với một cái hôn tay với ai
to kiss the rod
nhẫn nhục chịu đựng nhục hình
to kiss something good-bye/to kiss good-bye to something
chấp nhận sự thua thiệt hoặc thất bại của cái gì là chắc chắn; từ biệt; chia tay
You can kiss good-bye to a holiday this year - we've no money
Cậu có thể từ biệt kỳ nghỉ hè năm nay vì chúng ta không có tiền
to kiss something away
lấy đi cái gì bằng những cái hôn
Let mummy kiss your tears away
Hãy để mẹ hôn cho nín đi nào (giúp con nín khóc bằng cách hôn)

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