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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.lever1 /ˈliːvə $ ˈlevər/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: levier, from lever 'to raise']
1. a stick or handle on a machine or piece of equipment, that you move to operate it:
Pull this lever to open the gate. ⇨ ↑gear lever
2. a long thin piece of metal that you use to lift something heavy by putting one end under the object and pushing the other end down
3. something you use to influence a situation to get the result that you want:
Rich countries use foreign aid as a lever to achieve political aims.
II.lever2 BrE AmE verb
1. to move something with a lever
lever something off/up/out etc
He levered the stone into place.
2. lever yourself up (also lever yourself onto/out of etc something) to move your body by pushing on something with your arms to help you:
He slowly levered himself up.
3. to make someone leave a particular job, situation etc
lever somebody out
They’re trying to lever him out of his job.



A lever lets you do work with less effort.

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