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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.living1 /ˈlɪvɪŋ/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: verb: ↑live, ↑outlive, ↑relive, ↑liven, ↑up; adjective: ↑live, ↑lively, ↑living, ↑liveable; noun: ↑liveliness, ↑living, ↑livelihood; adverb: ↑live]
1. alive now OPP dead:
He’s one of the greatest living composers.
The sun affects all living things (=people, animals, and plants).
a living language (=one that people still use)
2. living proof if someone is living proof of a particular fact, they are a good example of how true it is
living proof (that)
I’m living proof that you don’t need a college degree to be successful.
living proof of
the living proof of government economic incompetence
3. in/within living memory during the time that anyone can remember:
It was the worst storm in living memory.
4. a living death a life that is so unpleasant that it seems better to be dead
5. a living hell a very unpleasant situation that makes you suffer for a long time:
These past few days have been a living hell.
6. living legend someone who is famous for being extremely good at something, and who still does that activity:
His music has made him a living legend.
scare/frighten the (living) daylights out of somebody at ↑daylight(3), ⇨ beat/knock the (living) daylights out of somebody/something at ↑daylight(4)
II.living2 S2 BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: verb: ↑live, ↑outlive, ↑relive, ↑liven, ↑up; adjective: ↑live, ↑lively, ↑living, ↑liveable; noun: ↑liveliness, ↑living, ↑livelihood; adverb: ↑live]
1. [countable usually singular] the way that you earn money or the money that you earn:
It’s not a great job, but it’s a living.
What do you do for a living? (=what do you do as a job?)
earn/make a living
It’s hard to make a decent living as a musician.
scrape/scratch a living (=get just enough to eat or live)
2. the living all the people who are alive as opposed to dead people OPP the dead
3. [uncountable] the way in which someone lives their life:
the stresses of city living
4. [countable] the position or income of a ↑parish priest
⇨ ↑cost of living, ↑standard of living, ⇨ in the land of the living at ↑land1(7)
• • •
earn/make a living She was able to make a living out of her talents as a cook.
do something for a living (=to work at something as your job) 'What does he do for a living?' 'I think he's a taxi driver.'
scrape out/scratch out/eke out a living (=to barely earn enough money to live) The farmers in these drought-stricken areas are barely able to scratch out a living.
a good/decent living (=enough money) Her husband makes a good living.
a meagre living British English, a meager living
American English (=not much money) She earned a meagre living as a shop assistant.

danh từ
cuộc sống; sinh hoạt
the cost of living
giá sinh hoạt
the standard of living
mức sống
plain living and high thinking
cuộc sống thanh bạch nhưng cao thượng
cách sinh nhai; sinh kế
to earn (get, make) one's living
kiếm sống
to earn one's living as a knife-grinder
kiếm sống bằng nghề mài dao
to earn one's living by/from repairing sewing-machines
kiếm sống bằng nghề sửa máy may
to make a good/meagre living
kiếm được nhiều/ít tiền
người sống
the living and the dead
những người đã sống và những người đã chết
in the land of the living
ở thế giới của những người đang sống, trên trái đất này
good living
sự ăn uống sang trọng xa hoa
to scrape a living
kiếm vừa đủ sống
tính từ
sống, đang sống, đang tồn tại; sinh động
all living things
mọi sinh vật
living languages
sinh ngữ
the greatest living strategist
nhà chiến lược lớn nhất hiện nay
giống lắm, giống như hệt
the child is the living image of his father
đứa bé giống bố như đúc
đang cháy, đang chảy (than, củi, nước)
living coal
than đang cháy đỏ
living water
nước luôn luôn chảy
a living legend
một huyền thoại sống
to be living proof of sth
là bằng chứng sống về điều gì
within living memory
trong ký ức của những người còn sống,, theo lời những người còn sống
living death
tình trạng khổ cực liên miên; tình trạng sống dở chết dở
exile was for him a living death
cuộc lưu đày đối với ông ta là một thời kỳ sống dở chết dở

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