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Menu Edit/File
Edit/File menu
Chọn một mục trong menu
To choose a menu item
Các tuỳ chọn menu
Menu options
Các chương trình điều khiển bằng menu thường được xem là dễ học hơn các chương trình có giao diện dòng lệnh
Menu-driven programs are usually considered easier to learn than programs with a command-line interface

menu S3 /ˈmenjuː/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1800-1900; Language: French; Origin: menu 'small, full of details', from Latin minutus; ⇨ ↑minute2]
1. a list of all the kinds of food that are available for a meal, especially in a restaurant:
Could we have the menu, please?
on the menu
Is there any fish on the menu?
a three course set menu (=dishes which you do not choose for yourself)
2. a list of things on a computer screen which you can ask the computer to do:
Select PRINT from the main menu.
pull-down/drop-down menu (=a list of choices which appears when you CLICK ON a place on the screen)
menu-driven (=operated by using a menu)
• • •
read/study the menu Sandy read the menu, but didn’t see anything he wanted to eat.
look at/see the menu (=read the menu) He looked at the menu and decided to have the salad.
plan a menu (=decide what foods will be served) Erika began planning a menu for the dinner party.
choose/order something from the menu He ordered a chicken dish from the menu.
offer a menu The restaurant is offering a three-course menu for New Year’s Eve.
have a good/long/unusual etc menu The new restaurant on Fifth Street has an excellent menu.
extensive (=with many different dishes on it) The menu is extensive and adventurous.
a dinner/lunch/breakfast menu There is an extensive dinner menu, and seafood is a speciality.
a set/fixed menu (=when the cook decides which dishes will be served to you, rather than you choosing for yourself) Dinner is three courses from a set menu.
an à la carte menu (=a menu listing many separate dishes which you choose from) In the evening there is a full à la carte menu.
a children’s menu I asked the waiter if there was a children’s menu.

danh từ
thực đơn
(tin học) bảng chọn; menu

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