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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

mindless /ˈmaɪndləs/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑mind, ↑minder, ↑reminder; adjective: ↑mindless, ↑minded, ↑mindful; verb: ↑mind, ↑remind; adverb: ↑mindlessly]
1. completely stupid and without any purpose SYN senseless:
His drinking bouts often ended in acts of mindless violence.
2. if something is mindless, you can do it or watch it without thinking or using your mind:
Doug was watching something mindless on television.
the mindless routine of military discipline
3. mindless of something not paying attention to something, especially something dangerous or unpleasant:
After lunch we explored the city, mindless of the rain.
—mindlessly adverb
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easy not difficult to do, and not needing much effort: an easy task | The house was easy to find.
simple easy and not complicated – used about things such as instructions and explanations, or about machines and systems: The system is relatively simple to operate. | a simple recipe for chocolate cake
straightforward easy to understand or do, and unlikely to cause you any problems: a straightforward explanation | The calculation is fairly straightforward.
user-friendly easy to use – used especially about computers or written information about how to do something: Their website is very user-friendly. | a user-friendly guide to owning a dog
undemanding easy because it does not take a lot of effort: It was an undemanding role for someone of his experience.
cushy /ˈkʊʃi/ informal a cushy job is easy to do and needs very little effort – often used when you are envious of the person who has it: It’s a pretty cushy job – all she has to do is drive a nice car around. | a cushy number (=a very easy job)
mindless so easy that you can do it without thinking – used especially when it makes you feel bored: mindless tasks
painless without any difficulties or problems – used especially when you expected something to be much worse: Finding the carhire place at the airport was relatively painless. | Thankfully, there's a wide selection of search tools to make the task relatively painless.
be plain sailing British English, be smooth sailing American English to be easy and with no problems that you have to deal with: Things should be plain sailing from now on.

tính từ
(nói về công việc) đơn giản; không cần động não
(mindless of somebody / something) không hề chú ý đến ai/cái gì
to be mindless of danger
không chú ý đến sự nguy hiểm
thiếu suy xét; dại dột

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