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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.own1 S1 W1 /əʊn $ oʊn/ BrE AmE adjective, pronoun [always after a possessive]
1. used to emphasize that something belongs to or is connected with a particular person or thing and not any other:
Bring your own equipment.
Every dance has its own rhythm.
The yacht was intended for the King’s own personal use.
His face was only a few inches from her own.
of your own
We have problems of our own.
I’d like to have a place of my own (=my own home).
your very own (=used to add more emphasis)
One day I want to have a horse of my very own.
something to call your own/which you can call your own (=something that belongs to you)
She just wanted a place to call her own.
2. used to emphasize that someone did or made something without the help or involvement of anyone else:
She makes a lot of her own clothes.
We encourage students to develop their own ideas.
It’s your own fault for leaving the window open.
3. (all) on your own
a) alone:
I’ve been living on my own for four years now.
He didn’t want to be left on his own.
b) without anyone’s help:
You can’t expect him to do it all on his own.
I can manage on my own, thanks.
4. for your own good/safety/benefit etc if you do something for someone’s own good etc, you do it to help them even though they might not like it or want it:
I’m only telling you this for your own good.
He was kept away from the other prisoners for his own safety.
5. too nice/clever etc for your own good used to say that someone has too much of a good quality so that it may be a disadvantage:
Stephen can be too generous for his own good.
6. get your own back (on somebody) informal to do something bad to someone who has harmed you, as a way of punishing them ⇨ revenge:
She wanted to get her own back on Liz for ruining her party.
7. be your own man/woman to have strong opinions and intentions that are not influenced by other people:
Hilary’s very much her own woman.
8. make something your own to change or deal with something in a way that makes it seem to belong to you:
Great singers can take an old song and make it their own.
come into your own at ↑come1(6), ⇨ hold your own at ↑hold1(24)
• • •
Use own only after possessive words such as 'my', 'John’s', 'the company’s' etc:
Few of them got back to their own country (NOT the own country).
Do not say 'an own car/room/computer etc'. Say a car/room/computer etc of your own:
He soon had enough money to buy a truck of his own.
II.own2 S2 W2 BrE AmE verb
[transitive not in progressive]
[Word Family: verb
: ↑own, ↑disown; noun: ↑owner, ↑ownership]
[Language: Old English; Origin: agnian, from agen 'own']
1. to have something which belongs to you, especially because you have bought it, been given it etc and it is legally yours ⇨ possess:
The building is owned by the local council.
You need to get permission from the farmer who owns the land.
Many more people now own their own homes.
the cost of owning a car
publicly/privately owned British English (=belonging to the government or a private organization)
a privately owned company
2. as if/as though/like you own the place informal to behave in a way that is too confident and upsets other people:
She acts like she owns the place!
They walked in as if they owned the place.
3. old-fashioned to admit that something is true
own (that)
I own that I judged her harshly at first.
own to
I must own to a feeling of anxiety.
• • •
own if you own something, it legally belongs to you: They live in a flat but they don’t own it. | The land is owned by farmers. | a privately owned plane
have [not in passive] to own something – used when focussing on the fact that someone has the use of something, rather than the fact that they legally own it: How many students have a cell phone? | I wish I had a sports car.
possess [not in passive] formal to own something: It is illegal to possess a firearm in Britain. | I don’t even possess a smart suit!
belong to somebody/something [not in passive] if something belongs to you, you own it: The ring belonged to my grandmother.
hold to own shares in a company: One man holds a third of the company’s shares.
be the property of somebody/something formal to be owned by someone – written on signs, labels etc: This camera is the property of the BBC.
own up phrasal verb

to admit that you have done something wrong, especially something that is not serious:
Come on, own up. Who broke it?
own up to (doing) something
No one owned up to breaking the window.
He was too frightened to own up to his mistake.
He still wouldn’t own up to the fact that he’d lied.

từ xác định, đại từ
(dùng sau các từ sở hữu để nhấn mạnh ý về sở hữu cá nhân hoặc tính chất cá thể của cái gì) của chính mình, của riêng mình, tự mình
I saw it with my own eyes
chính mắt tôi trông thấy cái đó
it was her own idea
đó là ý riêng của cô ta
this is my own house/this house is my own
cái nhà này là của bản thân tôi
our children have grown up and have children of their own
con cái chúng tôi đã trưởng thành và chúng đã có con cái riêng cả rồi
for reasons of his own, he refused to join the club
vì lý do riêng (chỉ có anh ấy biết), anh ấy từ chối tham gia câu lạc bộ
she makes all her own clothes
cô ấy tự may lấy tất cả quần áo của mình
I can cook my own meals
tôi có thể tự mình nấu ăn lấy
I have nothing of my own
tôi chẳng có cái gì riêng cả
on one's own
một mình
I'm all on my own today
hôm nay tôi chỉ có một mình
she lives on her own
cô ta sống một mình
không có sự giúp đỡ hoặc giám sát, một mình
he can be left to work on his own
có thể để anh ta tự làm việc một mình
although her father is in the firm, she got the job on her own
mặc dù bố cô ta làm việc trong hãng, cô ta đã tự mình kiếm lấy việc làm
xuất sắc, hiếm có
when it comes to craftsmanship, Sally is on her own
nói đến tay nghề thì Sally là người hiếm có (giỏi hơn bất cứ ai)
to be one's own man
như man
to get/have one's own back on somebody
(thông tục) trả được thù của mình
after the fight, the defeated boxer swore he'd get his own back (on his rival)
sau trận đấu, võ sĩ quyềnAnh bị thua đã thề rằng anh ta chắc chắn sẽ rửa được hận (với đối thủ của mình)
to hold one's own (against somebody/something) (in something)
giữ vững vị trí; giữ vững lập trường
she can certainly hold her own against anybody in an argument
chắc chắn cô ta có thể giữ vững lập trường của mình chống lại bất cứ người nào trong cuộc tranh cãi
không mất sức khoẻ, còn khoẻ
the patient is holding her own although she is still very ill
bệnh nhân vẫn giữ được sức dù cô ta vẫn còn ốm nặng
of one's own
thuộc về bản thân mình (chứ không phải của ai khác)
he'd like a car of his own
nó muốn có một chiếc xe hơi của riêng nó
children need toys of their own
trẻ con cần có đồ chơi riêng của chúng
to come into one's own
xứng đáng với tiếng tăm mà mình có được
this car really comes into its own on rough ground
chiếc xe này thực sự xứng đáng với danh tiếng khi chạy trên đất gồ ghề
she really comes into her own when someone is ill
cô ta thực sự được mọi người tin tưởng kho có người nào bị ốm
get/have one's own back (on somebody)
trả được thù của mình
động từ
có cái gì là tài sản của mình; sở hữu; có
this house is mine; I own it
nhà này là nhà của tôi; tôi là chủ của nó
she owns a car but rarely drives it
cô ta có một chiếc xe hơi, nhưng hiếm khi lái chiếc xe ấy
who owns this land?
ai là chủ mảnh đất này?
(to own to something / doing something) thừa nhận hoặc thú nhận (rằng cái gì là đụngsư thật hoặc mình phải chịu trách nhiệm về cái gì); thú tội
he owns to having told a lie
anh ta thú nhận rằng mình đã nói dối
finally she owned the truth of what he had said
cuối cùng cô ta thừa nhận sự thật về điều anh ấy đã nói trước đó
they own that the claim is justified
họ công nhận rằng lời khiếu nại đã được xác nhận là đúng
he owned himself defeated/indebted
hắn tự nhận là đã thất bại/có mang ơn
to own up to something
(thông tục) thú tội, thú nhận
nobody owned up to the theft
không có ai thú nhận về vụ trộm cả

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