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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

pregnant S3 /ˈpreɡnənt/ BrE AmE adjective
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: praegnans, from praegnas, from prae- ( ⇨ ↑pre-) + gnatus 'born']

1. if a woman or female animal is pregnant, she has an unborn baby growing inside her body ⇨ pregnancy:
medical care for pregnant women
I knew right away that I was pregnant.
I thought I was too old to get pregnant.
twenty weeks/three months etc pregnant
She’s about five months pregnant.
pregnant with
Maria was pregnant with her second child.
I didn’t mean to get her pregnant (=make her pregnant).
His wife was heavily pregnant (=almost ready to give birth).
2. pregnant pause/silence a pause or silence which is full of meaning or emotion:
He stopped, and there was a pregnant pause.
3. pregnant with something formal containing a lot of a quality:
Every phrase in this poem is pregnant with meaning.
• • •
become pregnant Sally became pregnant, and gave birth to a baby son.
get pregnant informal (=become pregnant) She got pregnant when she was sixteen.
get somebody pregnant (=make a woman pregnant, usually without planning to) At least he didn't get you pregnant.
twelve weeks pregnant/two months pregnant etc The doctor said that she was eight weeks pregnant.
heavily pregnant (=having almost reached the time when you will give birth) I saw at once that the woman was heavily pregnant.

tính từ
(về người đàn bà hoặc con vật cái) có con nhỏ hoặc con vật nhỏ đang phát triển trong dạ con; có thai, có mang, có chửa
she was six months pregnant
cô ấy có mang đã được sáu tháng
she is/got pregnant by another man
cô ấy có mang với một người đàn ông khác
(pregnant with something) chứa đầy cái gì; có thể gây ra cái gì
pregnant with joy
chứa đầy niềm tin
pregnant with danger
có thể gây ra nguy hiểm
giàu trí tưởng tượng, giàu trí sáng tạo, dồi dào tư tưởng ý tứ
có kết quả phong phú, có tầm quan trọng lớn (vì kết quả, vì ảnh hưởng)
a pregnant pause/silence
sự ngập ngừng/sự yên lặng đầy hàm ý, đầy ý nghĩa

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