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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.pressing1 /ˈpresɪŋ/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: adjective: ↑pressed, ↑pressing, ↑pressurized, ↑pressured; verb: ↑press, ↑pressure, ↑pressurize; noun: ↑press, ↑pressure, ↑pressing]
needing to be discussed or dealt with very soon SYN urgent
pressing problem/matter/need etc
Poverty is a more pressing problem than pollution.
II.pressing2 BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: adjective: ↑pressed, ↑pressing, ↑pressurized, ↑pressured; verb: ↑press, ↑pressure, ↑pressurize; noun: ↑press, ↑pressure, ↑pressing]
1. [countable] a thing or group of things, especially records or CDs, that have been made by pressing plastic or metal into shape:
The CD, released in October, sold out a first pressing of 1,500 in just four months.
2. [uncountable and countable] the act of pressing something:
The olives are heat treated during the second pressing.

tính từ
thúc bách, cấp bách, cấp thiết, gấp
pressing need
điều cần gấp
nài nỉ, nài ép
a pressing invitation
lời mời nài nỉ

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