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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.read1 S1 W1 /riːd/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle read /red/)
[Word Family: noun: ↑read, ↑reader, ↑readership, ↑reading, ↑readability; verb: ↑read; adjective: ↑readable ≠ ↑unreadable]
[Language: Old English; Origin: rædan]
1. WORDS/BOOKS [intransitive and transitive] to look at written words and understand what they mean:
I can’t read your writing.
She picked up the letter and read it.
Read the instructions carefully before you start.
children who are just learning to read and write
Her books are quite widely read (=read by a lot of people).
When I was young, I read every one of his books from cover to cover (=read all of something because you are very interested).
2. FIND INFORMATION [intransitive, transitive not in progressive] to find out information from books, newspapers etc:
You can’t believe everything you read in the papers.
read about
Did you read about what happened to that guy in Florida?
read of
I was shocked when I read of his death.
read (that)
I read last week that the disease is on the increase.
3. READ AND SPEAK [intransitive and transitive] to say the words in a book, newspaper etc so that people can hear them
read somebody something
Daddy, will you read me a story?
read (something) to somebody
Our mother reads to us every evening.
Teachers should read more poetry to children.
He glanced at the letter and began to read it aloud.
4. MUSIC/MAPS ETC [transitive] to look at signs or pictures and understand what they mean:
He plays the violin very well but can’t actually read music.
Are you any good at map reading?
5. COMPUTER [transitive] technical if a computer can read a ↑disk, it can take the information that is on the disk and put it into its memory
6. UNDERSTAND SOMETHING IN A PARTICULAR WAY [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to understand a situation, remark etc in one of several possible ways SYN interpret:
I wasn’t sure how to read his silence.
read something as something
She shook her head, and I read this as a refusal.
The poem can be read as a protest against war.
read something well/accurately (=understand something correctly)
He had accurately read the mood of the nation.
7. HAVE WORDS ON [transitive not in progressive] used to say what words are on a sign, in a letter etc SYN say:
A sign on the outer door read: ‘No Entry’.
8. STYLE OF WRITING [intransitive] if something reads well, badly etc, it has been written well, badly etc:
I think in general the report reads well.
9. read something as/for something to replace one word or number with another one, usually with the correct one:
Please read £50 as £15.
For ‘November’ (=instead of November) on line 6, read ‘September’.
10. MEASURING [transitive]
a) to look at the number or amount shown on a measuring instrument:
Someone should be coming to read the gas meter.
b) if a measuring instrument reads a particular number, it shows that number:
The thermometer read 46 degrees.
11. AT UNIVERSITY [intransitive and transitive] British English to study a subject at a university:
I read history at Cambridge.
read for
He wants to read for a law degree.
In everyday British English, people usually say that someone does a subject at university:
I did history at Cambridge.
He wants to do a law degree.
12. take it as read (that) especially British English to feel certain that something is true although no one has told you it is true SYN assume:
You can take it as read that we will support the project.
13. take something as read to accept that a report or statement is correct without reading it or discussing it:
We’ll take the secretary’s report as read.
14. read between the lines to guess someone’s real feelings from something they say or write, when they do not tell you directly:
Reading between the lines, I’d say Robert’s not very happy.
15. read sb’s mind/thoughts to guess what someone else is thinking:
‘Want some coffee?’ ‘You read my mind.’
16. can read somebody like a book if you can read someone like a book, you know them so well that you immediately know what they are thinking or feeling
17. read sb’s palm to look carefully at someone’s hand, in order to find out about their future
18. read sb’s lips to understand what someone is saying by watching the way their lips move. People who cannot hear do this. ⇨ ↑lip-read
19. read my lips spoken used to tell someone that you really mean what you are saying:
Read my lips: I will not let you down.
20. do you read me? spoken used to ask someone whether they can hear you when you are speaking to them by radio
21. well-read/widely-read someone who is well-read has read a lot of books and knows a lot about many subjects:
She is intelligent and extremely well-read.
⇨ ↑reading, ⇨ read (somebody) the riot act at ↑riot1(4)
• • •
read to look at and understand the words in a book, magazine, letter etc for interest, enjoyment, or study: What book are you reading at the moment? | I usually read the newspaper on the way to work.
flick/flip/leaf through something to turn the pages of a book, magazine etc quickly, looking for things that might interest you: While I was waiting, I flicked through a magazine. | She was flipping through the pages of an encyclopedia. | Cunningham was leafing through a copy of the Financial Times at his desk amidst a cloud of cigar-smoke.
browse through something to spend time looking through a book, magazine etc without any clear purpose, looking for things that might interest you: Would you like to browse through our holiday brochure?
skim/scan (through) something to read something quickly to get the main ideas or find a particular piece of information: I want you to skim through the article and write a short summary of it. | Tony scanned the menu for a vegetarian option.
pore over something to read something very carefully for a long time: They spent weeks poring over guidebooks and planning their holiday.
devour something /dɪˈvaʊə $ -ˈvaʊr/ to read something quickly and eagerly: Her young fans devour her books.
dip into something to read short parts of something: It’s a book you can dip into rather than read from cover to cover.
plough/wade through something to read something long and boring: He’s upstairs ploughing through financial reports. | I can’t possibly wade through all this.
surf the Net/Internet/Web to look quickly through information on the Internet, stopping to read what interests you: I was surfing the Net, trying to find my ideal job.
read something ↔ back phrasal verb

to read out loud something that you have just written down
read something ↔ back to
Can you read that last bit back to me?
read for something phrasal verb

to say some of the words that are said by a particular character in a play, as a test of your ability to act
read something into something phrasal verb
to think that a situation, action etc has a meaning or importance that it does not really have:
It was only a casual remark. I think you’re reading too much into it.
read something ↔ out phrasal verb
to read and say words that are written down, so that people can hear:
Why don’t you read out the name of the winner?
read something ↔ out to
He read the last few sentences out to me.
read something ↔ through/over phrasal verb
to read something carefully from beginning to end in order to check details or find mistakes SYN check over/through:
Read the contract over carefully before you sign it.
Spend a couple of minutes just reading through your essay.
read up on something (also read something ↔ up British English) phrasal verb
to read a lot about something because you will need to know about it:
You’ll enjoy traveling more if you read up on the history of the countries you’ll be visiting.
II.read2 BrE AmE noun [singular] informal
[Word Family: noun
: ↑read, ↑reader, ↑readership, ↑reading, ↑readability; verb
: ↑read; adjective
: ↑readable ≠ ↑unreadable]
1. British English if you have a read, you spend time reading:
I sat down to have a nice quiet read.
read of
I had a quick read of the report before I left.
2. a good read something that you enjoy reading:
I thought his last book was a really good read.



People read newspapers, books, magazines, the internet, and other things.

động từ; thì quá khứ và động tính từ quá khứ là read
to be able to/know how to read and write well
biết đọc và viết thông thạo
I can't read your untidy writing
tôi không tài nào đọc được chữ viết loằng ngoằng của anh
to read shorthand, Chinese (characters), Braille, a piece of musicmusic
đọc tốc ký, chữ Hán, chữ nổi (của người mù), xướng âm một bản nhạc
a motorist must be able to read traffic signs
người lái xe ô tô phải đọc được các tín hiệu giao thông
to read oneself hoarse
đọc khản cả tiếng
(to read something to somebody) đọc cái gì cho ai nghe
to read to oneself
đọc thầm
this play reads better than it acts
vở kịch này đọc nghe hay hơn là đem diễn
học, nghiên cứu
to read law
học luật
to read for the examination
học để chuẩn bị thi
xem đoán
to read someone's hand
xem tướng tay cho ai
to read a dream
đoán mộng
to read someone's mind/thoughts
hiểu được tâm trí/ý nghĩ của ai
to read someone's futurity
đoán tương lai cho ai
ghi (số điện, nước tiêu thụ...)
the speedometer reads seventy kilometres
đồng hồ tốc độ chỉ bảy mươi kilômét
hiểu, cho là
silence is not always to be read as consent
không nên cho rằng sự im lặng lúc nào cũng có nghĩa là đồng ý
it is intended to be read...
điều đó phải được hiểu là...
it may be read several ways
cái đó có thể hiểu nhiều cách
biết được (nhờ đọc sách báo...)
you must have read it in the newspapers
hẳn là anh phải biết điều đó qua báo chí rồi
viết, ghi
the passage quoted reads as follows
đoạn trích dẫn đó ghi như sau
đọc nghe như
the book reads like a novel
quyển sách đó đọc nghe như một cuốn tiểu thuyết
to read off
biểu lộ, để lộ ra, biểu thị; thể hiện
his face doesn't read off
nét mặt anh ta không biểu lộ một cái gì
đọc thẳng một mạch, đọc trơn tru
to read on
đọc tiếp
to read out
đọc to
đọc từ đầu đến cuối
read over
đọc qua, xem qua
đọc hết, đọc từ đâu đến cuối
đọc lại
to read through
đọc hết, đọc từ đầu cuối (cuốn sách...)
to read up
nghiên cứu kỹ, học tập kỹ lưỡng
to read up for the examination
học tập kỹ lưỡng chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi
to read up on history
nghiên cứu lịch sử
to read between the lines
tìm hiểu ẩn ý
đoán được ẩn ý, đoán được ý ngoài lời
to read oneself to sleep
đọc sách để ngủ
to read someone at a glance
nhìn thoáng cũng biết là người thế nào
to read someone like a book
biết rõ động cơ, tư tưởng của ai; đi guốc vào bụng ai; biết rõ tim đen của ai
to read someone a lesson
(xem) lesson
danh từ
sự đọc (sách báo)
thời gian dành để đọc (sách báo)
to have a quiet read
có thời gian yên tĩnh để đọc
thời quá khứ & động tính từ quá khứ của read
tính từ
có học thức thông thạo, thông thái, có đọc nhiều về, hiểu sâu về
deeply read in literature
hiểu sâu về văn học

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