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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.real1 S1 W1 /rɪəl/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑realism, ↑realist, ↑reality, ↑unreality, ↑realization; adverb: ↑real, ↑really, ↑realistically ≠ ↑unrealistically; adjective: ↑real, ↑unreal, ↑realistic ≠ ↑unrealistic; verb: ↑realize]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French; Origin: Medieval Latin realis 'of things (in law)', from Latin res 'thing']
1. IMPORTANT something that is real exists and is important:
There is a real danger that the disease might spread.
We need to tackle the real problems of unemployment and poverty.
There is no real reason to worry.
2. NOT ARTIFICIAL something that is real is actually what it seems to be and not false or artificial OPP fake:
a coat made of real fur
She had never seen a real live elephant before.
Artificial flowers can sometimes look better than the real thing.
3. NOT IMAGINARY something that is real actually exists and is not just imagined:
The children know that Santa Claus isn’t a real person.
Dreams can sometimes seem very real.
Things don’t happen quite that easily in real life.
4. the real world used to talk about the difficult experience of living and working with other people, rather than being protected at home, at school, or at college:
the shock of leaving university and going out into the real world
5. TRUE [only before noun] actual and true, not invented:
That’s not her real name.
What was the real reason you quit your job?
6. FEELINGS a real feeling or emotion is one that you actually experience and is strong SYN genuine:
There was a look of real hatred in her eyes.
I got a real sense of achievement when my work was first published.
7. RIGHT QUALITIES [only before noun] a real thing has all the qualities you expect something of that type to have:
I remember my first real job.
Simon was her first real boyfriend.
• • •
8. FOR EMPHASIS [only before noun] used to emphasize how stupid, beautiful, terrible etc someone or something is:
Thanks – you’ve been a real help.
The house was a real mess.
9. for real seriously, not just pretending:
After two trial runs we did it for real.
10. are you for real? American English used when you are very surprised or shocked by what someone has done or said
11. get real! used to tell someone that they are being very silly or unreasonable
12. keep it real to behave in an honest way and not pretend to be different from how you really are
13. MONEY [only before noun] a real increase or decrease in an amount of money is one you calculate by including the general decrease in the value of money over a period of time:
a real increase of 6% in average wages
The average value of salaries has fallen in real terms (=calculated in this way).
• • •
genuine used about a feeling, thing, or person that really is what they seem to be: genuine concern | Experts believe that the painting is genuine. | genuine refugees | a genuine reason for taking time off work | If a student has genuine religious objections to a school activity, they do not have to participate.
real not false or artificial: real wood | His real name is Reginald. | It looks just like the real thing. | Are those flowers real or artificial?
authentic authentic food, music, clothes etc are correct for the place or the period in history that they are supposed to be from: It’s a friendly restaurant offering authentic Greek food. | authentic medieval instruments | The dancers wore authentic Native American designs.
true [only before noun] having all the qualities you would expect a particular type of person or thing to have: a true friend | She is a true professional. | Being a true Red Sox fan, he never missed a game. | True Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
bona fide /ˌbəʊnə ˈfaɪdi $ ˈbəʊnə faɪd/ [usually before noun] bona fide people or things are really what they say they are, especially when this can be checked by looking at official documents: a bona fide medical qualification | a bona fide company | This club is only open to bona fide members.
hard evidence/facts evidence or facts that are genuine and can be proved: There was no hard evidence to support the theory.
II.real2 BrE AmE adverb
American English spoken
[Word Family: noun
: ↑realism, ↑realist, ↑reality, ↑unreality, ↑realization; adverb
: ↑real, ↑really, ↑realistically ≠ ↑unrealistically; adjective
: ↑real, ↑unreal, ↑realistic ≠ ↑unrealistic; verb
: ↑realize]
He’s real cute.
It was real nice to see you again.

tính từ
thực, thực tế, có thực
a real object andf its image
vật thực là hình ảnh của nó
in real life
trong đời sống thực tế
the real value of things
giá trị thực tế của các vật
thật (không phải giả, không phải nhân tạo)
real gold
vàng thật
is that real hair or a wig?
đó là tóc thật hay giả?
chân chính, đúng, xứng đáng với tên gọi
a real friend
một người bạn chân chính
a real man
một con người chân chính, một con người xứng đáng là người
the real thing
điều thực đúng, cái thực đúng, cái chính cống
(pháp lý) bất động
real estate; real property
bất động sản
for real
nghiêm chỉnh, đúng đắn
This isn't a practice game: We're playing for real
Đây không phải là trận đấu luyện tập: Chúng tôi đang thi đấu thực sự
thành thật; chân thực
I don't think her tears were for real
Tôi cho rằng những giọt nước mắt của bà ấy là không chân thực
the real thing/Mc Coy
kinh nghiệm, thành tựu cao nhất
Marathons are the real Mc Coy - these little jogs are no challenge at all
Chạy maratông mới là môn thể thao đích thực, chứ các trò chạy dưỡng sinh kia thì ăn nhằm gì
loại đích thực, loại chính hiệu
Bottled lemon juice is no good - you must use the real thing
Nước chanh đóng chai có ra gì đâu, anh phải dùng loại nước chanh quả thật cơ
phó từ
rất; thực sự
I'm real sorry
Tôi thực sự lấy làm tiếc
to have a real fine time, a real good laugh
vui chơi thật thoả thích, cười thật thoải mái
danh từ
thực tế
the real and the ideal
thực tế và lý tưởng

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