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reception W3 /rɪˈsepʃən/ BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: noun: ↑receipt, receipts, ↑receiver, ↑reception, ↑receivership, ↑receiving, ↑receptionist, ↑receptor; adjective: ↑receptiveUNRECEPTIVE, ↑received; verb: ↑receive]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French; Origin: Latin receptio, from recipere; ⇨ ↑receive]
1. WELCOME/REACTION [countable usually singular] a particular type of welcome for someone, or a particular type of reaction to their ideas, work etc ⇨ receive:
She was unsure of her reception after everything that had happened.
a warm/good/enthusiastic reception
The delegates gave him a warm reception.
a hostile/cool/frosty reception
His ideas met with a hostile reception.
receive/have/get/meet with a ... reception
He got a great reception from the crowd.
The plans received a mixed reception from unions (=some people liked them, others did not).
2. HOTEL/OFFICE [uncountable]
a) the desk or office where visitors arriving in a hotel or large organization go first:
Please leave your key at the reception desk.
I asked the man at reception.
b) British English the area around or in front of this desk or office SYN lobby:
I’ll wait for you in reception.
the reception area
3. PARTY [countable] a large formal party to celebrate an event or to welcome someone:
It’s an ideal location for a wedding reception.
The occasion was marked by a civic reception.
4. SIGNALS [uncountable] the act of receiving radio, television, or other signals, or the quality of signals you receive:
listeners complaining about poor reception
5. FOOTBALL [countable] the act of catching the ball in American football
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COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 1)
a warm reception (=friendly or approving) The Prince was given a warm reception when he visited Birmingham.
an enthusiastic/rapturous/rousing reception (=in which people show a lot of approval in a noisy way) She received an enthusiastic reception.
a hostile reception When reporters arrived at the house, they got a hostile reception.
a cool/chilly/frosty reception (=not friendly or approving) His idea got a cool reception from his colleagues.
a lukewarm reception (=not enthusiastic) I am bewildered by the lukewarm reception given to her latest album.
a mixed reception (=when some people like something and some do not) His first novel received a mixed reception.
a favourable/positive reception The movie got a favourable reception from audiences and critics alike.
get/have a warm etc reception (also receive a warm etc reception
formal) As he came on, Rocky got a great reception from the crowd.
meet with a warm etc reception formal They met with a chilly reception from my mother.
give somebody/something a warm etc reception Opposition parties gave the proposals a lukewarm reception.
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 3)
a wedding reception There were over 200 guests at our wedding reception.
a civic reception (=one given by the authorities of a city) The plaque was unveiled during a civic reception given at Glasgow City Chambers.
a champagne reception Tickets include a champagne reception and buffet supper.
an official reception After an official reception at the Embassy, they visited the White House.
a formal reception There will be a formal reception in honour of his life and work.
attend a reception We have to attend a reception at the Embassy.
have/hold a reception The wedding reception will be held at The Grand Hotel.

danh từ
sự nhận, sự thu nhận, sự lĩnh
sự tiếp nhận, sự kết nạp (vào một tổ chức nào...)
to be honoured by reception into the Academy
được vinh dự tiếp nhận vào viện hàn lâm
sự đón tiếp
to give someone a warm reception
tiếp đón ai niềm nở
the play met with a warm reception
vở kịch được nhiệt liệt hoan nghênh
sự tiếp nhận; tiệc chiêu đãi
to give a reception
tổ chức chiêu đãi
(kỹ thuật), (rađiô) sự thu; phép thu
shortdistance reception
sự thu tầm gần
sự tiếp thu (tư tưởng...)
to have a great faculty of reception
có khả năng tiếp thu lớn

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