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reminder /rɪˈmaɪndə $ -ər/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Word Family: noun
: ↑mind, ↑minder, ↑reminder; adjective: ↑mindless, ↑minded, ↑mindful; verb: ↑mind, ↑remind; adverb: ↑mindlessly]
1. something that makes you notice, remember, or think about something
reminder of
a reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving
reminder that
Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
constant/painful/vivid etc reminder
The damaged church was preserved as a stark reminder of the horrors of war.
The drop in stock prices serves as a reminder (=is a reminder) that investing is a form of gambling.
2. something, for example a letter, that reminds you to do something which you might have forgotten:
a reminder from the dentist for your check-up
• • •
a constant/permanent reminder (=that makes you think about something all the time) Peter's letters to me are a constant reminder of the happiness we shared.
a timely reminder (=a useful reminder of something important) This is a timely reminder to people that they should be careful with strangers.
a salutary reminder (=one that teaches you something) The earthquake in China is a salutary reminder of how fragile human existence can be.
a painful/uncomfortable reminder This violence is a painful reminder that peace is still a long way away.
a stark/sharp reminder (=strong or unpleasant) This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers police officers face every day.
a vivid reminder (=strong) Their performance was a vivid reminder of just why this band has remained so successful.
a powerful/potent reminder The soldiers' deaths are a powerful reminder of the price we pay for freedom.
a poignant reminder (=making you feel sad) I see Kathy's death as a poignant reminder that we sometimes really are powerless.
a grim/sobering/chilling reminder (=making you feel serious and worried or frightened) They passed the armed guard, a grim reminder of the ever-present threat of terrorism.
a gentle reminder It was meant to be a gentle reminder rather than a criticism.
serve as/act as a reminder (=be a reminder) The photograph will serve as a lovely reminder of your visit.
provide/offer a reminder The case has provided a chilling reminder of how violently some people react to foreigners.

danh từ
vật làm nhớ lại, cái làm nhớ lại (một điều gì)
the statue is the lasting reminder of Churchill's greatness
bức tượng là một điều mãi mãi nhắc nhở về sự vĩ đại của Churchill
letter of reminder
thư nhắc nhở
cách nhắc nhở ai làm cái gì
to send/give somebody a gentle reminder
nhắc nhở ai một cách tế nhị
the waiters were clearing the tables, which served as a reminder that it was time to leave
những người hầu bàn đang dọn dẹp bàn ghế là một điều nhắc nhở rằng đã đến lúc phải ra về

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