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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.toss1 /tɒs $ tɒːs/ BrE AmE verb
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language]
1. [transitive] to throw something, especially something light, with a quick gentle movement of your hand
toss something into/onto etc something
She crumpled the letter and tossed it into the fire.
toss something aside/over etc
Toss that book over, will you?
toss something to somebody
‘Catch!’ said Sandra, tossing her bag to him.
toss somebody something
Frank tossed her the newspaper.
2. [intransitive and transitive] to move about continuously in a violent or uncontrolled way, or to make something do this
toss something around/about
The small boat was tossed about like a cork.
3. toss and turn to keep changing your position in bed because you cannot sleep:
I’ve been tossing and turning all night.
4. [intransitive and transitive] (also toss up) especially British English to throw a coin in the air, so that a decision will be made according to the side that faces upwards when it comes down SYN flip American English:
They tossed a coin to decide who would go first.
toss (somebody) for it
We couldn’t make up our minds, so we decided to toss for it.
5. [transitive] to throw something up into the air and let it fall to the ground:
The crowd cheered, banging pots and tossing confetti into the air.
6. toss a pancake British English to throw a ↑pancake upwards so that it turns over in the air and lands on the side that you want to cook SYN flip American English
7. [transitive] to move pieces of food about in a small amount of liquid so that they become covered with the liquid:
Toss the carrots in some butter before serving.
8. toss your head/hair written to move your head or hair back suddenly, often with a shaking movement showing anger:
He tossed his head angrily and left the room.
toss off phrasal verb

1. toss something ↔ off to produce something quickly and without much effort:
one of those painters who can toss off a couple of pictures before breakfast
2. toss something ↔ off written to drink something quickly:
He tossed off a few whiskies.
3. toss (somebody) off British English informal not polite to ↑masturbate
toss something/somebody ↔ out phrasal verb
American English informal
1. to get rid of something that you do not want SYN throw out:
I tossed most of that stuff out when we moved.
2. to make someone leave a place, especially because of bad behaviour SYN throw out
toss something/somebody ↔ out of
Kurt was tossed out of the club for trying to start a fight.
• • •
throw to make something such as a ball or stone move quickly through the air using your hand: I threw the ball back to him. | Protestors began throwing stones at the police. | I just threw the letter in the bin.
toss (also chuck
) informal to throw something, especially in a careless way without using much effort: She tossed her coat onto the bed. | Can you chuck me the remote control?
hurl to throw something with a lot of force: Someone hurled a brick through his window.
fling to angrily throw something somewhere with a lot of force, or to carelessly throw something somewhere because you have very little time: He flung her keys into the river. | I flung a few things into a suitcase.
heave /hiːv/ to throw something heavy using a lot of effort: They heaved the log into the river.
lob to throw something high into the air over someone or something: The police lobbed tear gas canisters over the heads of the demonstrators.
II.toss2 BrE AmE noun [countable]
1. the act of throwing a coin in the air to decide something, especially who will do something first in a game:
The toss of a coin decided who would go first.
win/lose the toss
Malory won the toss and will serve.
2. a sudden backwards movement of your head, so that your hair moves, often showing anger:
‘I’ll see,’ the nurse said, with an officious toss of her head.
3. a gentle throw
4. not give a toss British English spoken to not care about something at all:
I really couldn’t give a toss what Sam thinks.
argue the toss at ↑argue(5)

danh từ
sự buông, sự quăng, sự thả, sự ném, sự tung
trò chơi sấp ngửa
to win the toss
đoán đúng trong trò chơi sấp ngửa; thắng lợi
sự hất; cái hất (đầu, hàm...)
a toss of the head
cái hất đầu
sự ngã ngựa
to take a toss
ngã ngựa; (nghĩa bóng) thất bại
not give a toss
không hề quan tâm, để ý
ngoại động từ tossed, tost
buông, quăng, thả, ném, tung
to toss the ball
tung quả bóng
to toss money about
quẳng tiền qua cửa sổ, ăn tiêu hoang phí
to toss up a coin
tung đồng tiền (chơi sấp ngửa)
hất (ai) lên bằng sừng (con bò..)
hất (đầu..; nhất là tỏ ý coi (thường), thờ ơ)
to toss the head
hất đầu
làm cho chòng chành, làm cho đu đưa, làm cho lắc lư
gieo, tung (đồng tiền)
there's only one pillow - I'll toss you for it
chỉ có duy nhất một cái gối - tôi sẽ tung đồng tiền với anh để xem ai được
nội động từ
chơi sấp ngửa
chòng chành, lắc lư, đu đưa
the ship tossed on the sea
con tàu chòng chành trên biển cả
lật đi lật lại; trở mình trằn trọc
he tossed about in his bed
anh ta trở mình trằn trọc trên giường
vỗ bập bềnh (sóng)
tung bóng lên (quần vợt)
gieo tiền, tung tiền
who's going to cook tonight? Let's toss up
ai sẽ nấu ăn tối nay?
chúng ta tung đồng tiền xem là ai nhé
to toss about
vứt lung tung
to toss away
ném đi, vứt đi
to toss off
nốc (rượu..) một hơi
giải quyết nhanh chóng (công việc)
to toss (oneself) off
thủ dâm

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