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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.trigger1 AC /ˈtrɪɡə $ -ər/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Dutch; Origin: trekker, from Middle Dutch trecken 'to pull'; ⇨ ↑trek2]

1. the part of a gun that you pull with your finger to fire it
pull/squeeze the trigger
He took aim and squeezed the trigger.
2. be the trigger (point) (for something) to be the thing that quickly causes a serious problem:
The hijacking became a trigger point for military action.
II.trigger2 AC BrE AmE (also trigger off) verb
1. to make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events:
The assassination triggered off a wave of rioting.
Certain forms of mental illness can be triggered by food allergies.
trigger a memory (=make you suddenly remember something)
His action triggered a massive response from the government.
2. to make something such as a bomb or electrical system start to operate SYN set off:
The burglars fled after triggering the alarm.
• • •
cause to make something happen, especially something bad: Bad weather has caused a lot of problems on the roads. | The fault caused the whole computer system to shut down.
make somebody/something do something to cause someone to do something, or cause something to happen. Make is less formal than cause, and is the usual word to use in everyday English: What made you decide to become a teacher? | I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry. | Gravity is the force which makes the planets move round the Sun.
be responsible for something if someone or something is responsible for something bad, they caused it to happen: The excessive heat was responsible for their deaths. | A small militant group was responsible for the bombing.
bring about something to make something happen – used especially about changes or improvements: The Internet has brought about enormous changes in society. | It’s important that we do everything we can to bring about peace.
result in something if an action or event results in something, it makes that thing happen: The fire resulted in the deaths of two children. | The decision is likely to result in a large number of job losses.
lead to something to cause something to happen eventually after a period of time: The information led to several arrests. | A poor diet in childhood can lead to health problems later in life.
trigger if one event triggers another, it suddenly makes the second event happen: The incident triggered a wave of violence. | An earthquake off Java’s southern coast triggered a tsunami.
precipitate formal to make a very serious event happen very suddenly, which will affect a lot of people: The withdrawal of foreign investment would precipitate an economic crisis. | The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand precipitated World War I.

danh từ
cò súng
to pull the trigger
bóp cò
nút bấm (máy ảnh...)
to be quick on the trigger
bóp cò nhanh
hành động nhanh; hiểu nhanh
động từ
làm nổ ra, gây ra; khởi sự một hành động, khởi sự một quá trình
the smoke triggered off the alarm
đám khói gây ra cuộc báo động

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