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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.up1 S1 W1 /ʌp/ BrE AmE adverb, preposition, adjective
1. TO A HIGHER POSITION towards a higher place or position OPP down:
We walked slowly up the hill.
She picked her jacket up off the floor.
paths leading up into the mountains
Tim had climbed up a tree to get a better view.
Put up your hand if you know the answer.
The water was getting up my nose.
Karen lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling.
2. IN A HIGHER POSITION in a higher place or position OPP down:
John’s up in his bedroom.
a plane flying 30,000 feet up
Her office is just up those stairs.
The doctor’s assistant was up a ladder in the stockroom.
3. TO BE UPRIGHT into an upright or raised position:
Everyone stood up for the national anthem.
Mick turned his collar up against the biting winds.
4. ALONG in or to a place that is further along something such as a road or path SYN down:
She lives just up the street.
We walked up the road towards the church.
5. NORTH in or towards the north:
They live up north.
We’re driving up to Chicago for the conference.
a stormy voyage up the east coast from Miami to Boston
6. CLOSE very close to someone or something:
A man came up and offered to buy him a drink.
up to
She drove right up to the front door.
up against
The bed was up against the wall.
7. TO MORE IMPORTANT PLACE used to show that the place someone goes to is more important than the place they start from:
Have you been up to London recently?
8. RIVER towards the place where a river starts OPP down:
sailing up the Thames
The river steamers only went up as far as Mandalay.
9. MORE at or towards a higher level or a greater amount OPP down:
Turn up the radio.
Violent crime went up by 9% last year.
Inflation is up by 2%.
up on
Profits are up on last year.
In written English, people often prefer to use rise rather than be/go up, because it sounds more formal:
Violent crime rose by 9% last year.
10. WINNING British English beating your opponent by a certain number of points OPP down
two goals up/three points up etc
United were a goal up at half time.
11. NOT IN BED not in bed:
Are the kids still up?
They stayed up all night to watch the game.
It’s time to get up (=get out of bed).
It’s good to see you up and about again (=out of bed after an illness and moving around normally).
12. FINISHING used after certain verbs to show that something is completely finished, used, or removed:
We’ve used up all our savings.
The children had to eat up all their food.
After a month, the wound had almost healed up.
13. CUTTING/DIVIDING used after certain verbs to show that something is cut, broken etc into pieces or divided into parts:
Why did you tear up that letter?
We still haven’t decided how to divide up the money.
14. COLLECTING used after certain verbs to show that things are collected together:
Let’s just add up these figures quickly.
Could you collect up the papers?
15. PART ON TOP used to say which surface or part of an object should be on top:
Put the playing cards right side up.
Isn’t that painting the wrong way up?
16. ABOVE A LEVEL above and including a certain level, age, or amount:
All the women were naked from the waist up.
Children aged 12 and up must pay the full fare.
17. up and down
a) backwards and forwards:
Ralph paced up and down the room, looking worried.
b) if someone is up and down, they sometimes feel well or happy and sometimes do not:
Jason’s been very up and down since his girlfriend left him.
c) to a higher position and then a lower position, several times:
They were all jumping up and down and screaming excitedly.
Shivers ran up and down my body.
look somebody up and down (=look at someone in order to judge their appearance or character)
Maisie looked her rival up and down with a critical eye.
18. up to something
a) as much or as many as a certain amount or number but not more:
The Olympic Stadium will hold up to 80,000 spectators.
a process that can take anything up to ten days
b) (also up till) for the whole of a period until a certain time or date:
She continued to care for her father up to the time of his death.
We’ve kept our meetings secret up to now.
c) [in questions and negatives] clever, good, or well enough to do something:
I’m afraid Tim just isn’t up to the job (=he does not have the necessary ability).
You don’t need to go back to school if you don’t feel up to it.
up to doing something
He’s not really up to seeing any visitors.
d) if something is up to a particular standard, it is good enough to reach that standard:
I didn’t think last night’s performance was up to her usual standard.
e) spoken doing something secret or something that you should not be doing:
The children are very quiet. I wonder what they’re up to.
He knew Bailey was up to something. But what?
I always suspected that he was up to no good (=doing something bad).
19. be up to somebody
a) used to say that someone can decide about something:
You can pay weekly or monthly – it’s up to you.
b) used to say that someone is responsible for a particular duty:
It’s up to the travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers.
20. FINISHED TIME if a period of time is up, it is finished:
I’m sorry, we’ll have to stop there. Our time is up.
21. ROAD REPAIRS if a road is up, its surface is being repaired
22. COMPUTER if a computer system is up, it is working OPP down:
There could well be a few problems before your new computer is up and running properly.
23. up against something/somebody having to deal with a difficult situation or opponent:
He came up against a lot of problems with his boss.
Murphy will be really up against it when he faces the champion this afternoon.
24. up for something
a) available for a particular process:
The house is up for sale.
This week 14 of Campbell’s paintings were put up for auction.
Even the most taboo subjects were up for discussion.
b) being considered for election or for a job:
Senator Frank Church was coming up for re-election that year.
She is one of five candidates up for the chief executive’s job.
c) appearing in a court of law because you have been ↑accused of a crime:
Ron’s up for drinking and driving next week.
d) spoken willing to do something or interested in doing something:
We’re going to the pub later – are you up for it?
25. something is up spoken if something is up, someone is feeling unhappy because they have problems, or there is something wrong in a situation:
I could tell by the look on his face that something was up.
something is up with
Is something up with Julie? She looks really miserable.
what’s up?
What’s up? Why are you crying?
26. be well up in/on something (also be up on something American English) informal to know a lot about something:
I’m not all that well up in musical matters.
Conrad’s really up on his geography, isn’t he?
27. be up before something/somebody informal to appear in a court of law because you have been ↑accused of a crime:
He was up before the magistrates’ court charged with dangerous driving.
28. be up to here British English (also have had it up to here) spoken to be very upset and angry because of a particular situation or person
be up to here with
I’m up to here with this job; I’m resigning!
29. up the workers!/up the reds! etc British English spoken used to express support and encouragement for a particular group of people or for a sports team
30. up yours! spoken not polite used as a very rude and offensive reply to someone who has said something that annoys you:
‘You’re not allowed to park here.’ ‘Up yours, mate!’
31. somebody is (so) up himself/herself etc informal if you say that someone is up himself or up herself, you mean that they pay too much attention to themselves and what they do or what they look like – used to show disapproval
not be up to much at ↑much2(8)
II.up2 BrE AmE noun

1. ups and downs informal the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation or relationship:
We have our ups and downs like all couples.
2. be on the up British English spoken to be improving or increasing:
Business confidence is on the up.
3. be on the up and up
a) British English informal to be becoming more successful:
a brilliant young player who is on the up and up
b) American English spoken if a person or business is on the up and up, they are honest and do things legally
III.up3 BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle upped, present participle upping)
[Word Family: verb: ↑live, ↑outlive, ↑relive, ↑liven, ↑up; adjective: ↑live, ↑lively, ↑living, ↑liveable; noun: ↑liveliness, ↑living, ↑livelihood; adverb: ↑live]
1. [transitive] to increase the amount or level of something:
They’ve upped their offer by 5%.
2. up and do something to suddenly do something different or surprising:
Without saying another word, he upped and left.
up the ante at ↑ante1, ⇨ up sticks at ↑stick2(11)



Up is the opposite of down.

phó từ
ở trên, lên trên, lên
up in the air
ở trên cao trong không trung
không ngủ; không nằm trên giừơng
I was up all night with a sick child
tôi thức suốt đêm với một đứa bé ốm
tới, ở (một nơi, vị trí, hoàn cảnh...)
lift your head up
hãy ngẩng đầu lên
tới gần (một người, vật được nói rõ)
a car drove up and he got in
một chiếc ô tô lại gần và nó lên xe
tới một địa điểm quan trọng nhất, ở một địa điểm quan trọng nhất (thành phố lớn..)
when are you going up to London?
khi nào anh đi Luân đôn?
to go up to the door
đến tận cửa
tới một trường đại học, ở một trường đại học (nhất là Oxford, Cambridge)
tới miền Bắc, ở miền Bắc của đất nước
she lives up in the Lake District
bà ta sống ở miền Lake District
thành từng mảnh, rời ra
she tore the paper up
cô ta xé toạc tờ giấy ra từng mảnh
to get up early
dậy sớm
(nghĩa bóng) đứng lên, đứng dậy
the whole nation was up in arms against the invaders
cả nước đã đứng lên cầm vũ khí chống quân xâm lược
hết, hoàn toàn, xong
time is up
hết giờ rồi
to fill up a glass
rót đầy cốc
it's all up
đã hoàn toàn xong cả rồi
một cách chắc chắn
lock something up
khoá chặt cái gì
(thông tục) đang xảy ra, đang diễn ra (nhất là cái gì bất (thường) hoặc khó chịu)
cừ, giỏi, thông thạo
to be well up in English
giỏi tiếng Anh
(+ động từ) to lên, mạnh lên, lên
speak up!
nói to lên!
to blow up the fire
thổi lửa lên
be on the up-and-up
(thông tục) đang lên, đang cải thiện mạnh mẽ, đang ngày càng (thành công..)
(từ Mỹ, nghĩa Mỹ) trung thực
be up to somebody
có nhiệm vụ phải..
tùy, để cho ai quyết định
be up to much
không đáng gì nhiều, không tốt lắm
up against something
tiếp xúc chặt chẽ với cái gì, gần sát với
đương đầu với, đứng trước (khó khăn, trở ngại...)
up and about; up and doing
rời khỏi giừơng và lại hoạt động (nhất là sau một trận ốm)
up and down
đi tới đi lui, đi đi lại lại
to walk up and down
đi đi lại lại
lên lên xuống xuống, nhấp nhô
khắp chốn, khắp nơi, mọi chỗ
to look for something up and down
tìm cái gì khắp mọi chỗ
up to
bận, đang làm
what's he up to?
hắn ta đang làm gì?
what tricks has he been up to?
hắn đang dở những trò gì thế?
xứng đáng; đủ sức, đủ khả năng
not to feel up to something
cảm thấy không đủ khả năng làm việc gì
cho đến, đến
up to now
đến nay
from one up to one hundred
từ một đến một trăm
phải, có nhiệm vụ phải
it is up to us to...
chúng ta có nhiệm vụ phải...
what's up?
có việc gì thế?
up before somebody/something
ra toà
up for something
bị xét xử (vì một vụ vi phạm pháp luật..)
đang xem xét cái gì, đưa ra đề nghị cái gì
up to something
là số lượng tối đa
không xa hơn, không muộn hơn cái gì
có thể so sánh được với cái gì
có khả năng làm cái gì
giới từ
tới, ở vị trí cao hơn trên, đi lên (cái gì)
to run up the stairs
chạy lên cầu thang
up hill and down dale
lên dốc xuống đèo
to go up the river
đi ngược dòng sông
up the hill
ở trên đồi
ngược (gió, dòng nước...)
up the wind
ngược gió
ở cuối
up the yard
ở cuối sân
up and down something
tới lui trên cái gì
walking up and down the platform
đi đi lại lại trên sân ga
up yours!
của mày hả! (dùng để bày tỏ sự tức giận, ghê tởm, khó chịu.. hết sức đối với một người)
tính từ
lên (đi về một thành phố lớn hay thủ đô), ngược (đi về hướng bắc)
an up train
chuyến tàu về thủ đô; chuyến tàu ngược
danh từ
phần vọt lên trong đường bay của một quả bóng sau khi nẩy trên mặt đất
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) người đang lên
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) dốc lên
sự thành công
chuyến tàu về (thủ đô); chuyến tàu ngược
ups and downs
sự thăng trầm
nội động từ
(thông tục); (đùa cợt) đứng dậy, vụt đứng dậy, thức tỉnh
she upped and left without a word
cô ta vụt đứng dậy và bỏ đi không nói một lời
ngoại động từ
(thông tục) gia tăng (giá cả, mức sản xuất...)
to up the price
tăng giá
up sticks
dọn nhà

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