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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.green1 S1 W2 /ɡriːn/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑green, ↑greenery, greens, the greening; adjective: ↑green, ↑greenish; verb: ↑green]
[Language: Old English; Origin: grene]
1. COLOUR having the colour of grass or leaves:
beautiful green eyes
Raw coffee beans are green in colour.
dark/light/pale/bright green
a dark green dress ⇨ ↑bottle green, ↑lime green, ↑pea green, ⇨ olive green at ↑olive(3)
2. GRASSY covered with grass, trees, bushes etc:
green fields
3. FRUIT/PLANT not yet ready to be eaten, or very young:
The bananas are still green.
tiny green shoots of new grass
a) (also Green) [only before noun] connected with the environment or its protection:
green issues such as the greenhouse effect and global warming
He was an early champion of green politics.
b) harming the environment as little as possible:
We need to develop greener cleaning products.
The industry has promised to go green (=change so that it harms the environment less).
5. WITHOUT EXPERIENCE informal young and lacking experience SYN naive:
I was pretty green then; I had a lot of things to learn.
6. ILL informal looking pale and unhealthy because you are ill:
George looked a bit green the next morning.
look green about/around the gills (=look pale and ill)
7. green with envy wishing very much that you had something that someone else has
8. the green-eyed monster literaryjealousy – often used humorously
9. have green fingers British English, have a green thumb American English to be good at making plants grow
10. the green stuff American English informal money
—greenness noun
• • •
environmentally friendly not harmful to the environment: Cycling is very environmentally friendly. | environmentally friendly holidays | Is there such a thing as an environmentally friendly car?
eco-friendly [usually before noun] not harmful to the environment – used especially about products: We always try to use eco-friendly cleaning products. | eco-friendly coffins made from newspapers
green [usually before noun] not harmful to the environment – used especially in the following phrases: green products | green technology | green energy | It was voted the greenest building in Britain.
clean [usually before noun] clean fuels or forms of energy do not release any harmful substances into the atmosphere: We need cleaner fuels for cars and other road vehicles. | clean energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines
renewable renewable energy comes from sources that can be easily replaced naturally, so that there is always more available: The building is heated using renewable energy from the sun. | The government needs to invest more in renewable energy sources. | Wind power is renewable and produces no greenhouse gases during operation.
sustainable using the earth’s resources, without causing damage to the environment – used especially about farming, ways of living, and development: The flowers are produced to high environmental standards using sustainable farming methods. | Many people want to lead more sustainable lifestyles and to conserve the planet’s resources. | sustainable use of the world’s resources
carbon-neutral balancing the amount of carbon gases that you put into the earth’s atmosphere with other activities that will effectively reduce the amount of carbon gases, for example by planting trees: a carbon-neutral company | Stirling is aiming to become the UK’s first carbon neutral city. | All new homes will be carbon-neutral.
low-carbon [usually before noun] producing only a small amount of carbon: Research is being done into the development of low-carbon electricity. | We will need to have a low-carbon economy.
low-energy [usually before noun] low-energy buildings and lightbulbs use very little energy: Position is a key factor in the design of a low-energy house.
II.green2 S2 W3 BrE AmE noun

[Word Family: noun
: ↑green, ↑greenery, greens, the greening; adjective
: ↑green, ↑greenish; verb
: ↑green]
1. [uncountable and countable] the colour of grass and leaves:
a room decorated in pale blues and greens
different shades of green
2. greens [plural] informal vegetables with large green leaves:
Eat your greens.
3. [countable] a level area of grass, especially in the middle of a village:
I walked home across the green. ⇨ ↑village green
4. [countable] a smooth flat area of grass around each hole on a ↑golf course:
the 18th green
5. Green [countable] someone who belongs to or supports a political party which thinks the protection of the environment is very important:
The Greens have 254 candidates in the election.
III.green3 BrE AmE verb
[Word Family: noun
: ↑green, ↑greenery, greens, the greening; adjective
: ↑green, ↑greenish; verb
: ↑green]
1. to fill an area with growing plants in order to make it more attractive:
Existing derelict land is needed for greening the cities.
2. to make a person or organization realize the importance of environmental problems



Grass, broccoli, and many other plants are green. You can make green paint by mixing blue and yellow paint.

tính từ
xanh lá cây, lục
xanh; tươi
green fruit
quả xanh
green timber
gỗ tươi
green hide
da sống
đầy sức sống; thanh xuân
green years
tuổi xanh, tuổi thanh xuân
chưa có kinh nghiệm, mới vào nghề; thơ ngây, cả tin
a green hand
thợ mới vào nghề
to be still green at one's job
mới làm việc còn bỡ ngỡ
to be not so green as to believe something
không ngây thơ đến nỗi tin một điều gì
tái xanh, tái ngắt (nước da)
to look green
tái xanh, tái mét
looking green with jealousy
tái đi vì ghen tức
(nghĩa bóng) ghen, ghen tức, ghen tị
a green eye
sự ghen tị
còn mới, chưa lành, chưa liền (vết thương)
a green wound
vết thương còn mới
danh từ
màu xanh lá cây, màu xanh lục
quần áo màu lục
to be dressed in green
mặc quần áo màu lục
phẩm lục (để nhuộm)
Paris green
phẩm lục Pa-ri
cây cỏ
bãi cỏ xanh, thảm cỏ xanh
(số nhiều) rau
(nghĩa bóng) tuổi xanh, tuổi thanh xuân; sức sống, sức cường tráng
in the green
đang ở tuổi thanh xuân đầy nhựa sống
vẻ cả tin; vẻ ngây thơ non nớt
do you see any green in my eye?
anh trông tôi có vẻ gì ngây thơ non nớt không?
nội động từ
trở nên xanh lá cây, hoá thành màu lục
ngoại động từ
làm cho xanh, nhuộm lục
(từ lóng) bịp, lừa bịp

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