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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.hint1 /hɪnt/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Probably from hent 'act of seizing' (16-17 centuries), from Old English hentan 'to seize']
1. something that you say or do to suggest something to someone, without telling them directly:
There have been hints that he may take up coaching.
‘Look, I can’t tell you.’ ‘Oh, come on, give me a hint.’
hint about/as to
Miles had been dropping heavy hints about the cost of petrol.
I made it clear I wasn’t interested in him, but he didn’t take the hint.
2. a very small amount or sign of something
hint of
‘When?’ he asked with a hint of impatience.
We shall have to turn back if there’s the slightest hint of fog.
3. a useful piece of advice about how to do something SYN tip
helpful/handy hints
hint on/about
helpful hints on looking after house plants
• • •
give (somebody) a hint Come on, what is it? Give me a hint.
drop a hint (=give a hint) She was dropping quite a few hints about what she'd like for her birthday.
take a/the hint (=to understand a hint and act on it) Mark took the hint and shut up.
get the hint (=to understand a hint) I looked hopefully at the cake, but he didn't get the hint.
a broad/strong/heavy hint (=one that is very easy to understand) He had dropped a heavy hint that they might get married.
a subtle/gentle hint (=one that is not very easy to understand – sometimes used ironically when someone is being very obvious) I'm sick of her subtle hints that I'm not welcome here.
a vague hint (=one that is not specific enough to understand) In his article, he gave only vague hints as to what he had actually done.
I can take a hint (=used when you understand someone's hint) All right, I can take a hint. I'm leaving.
II.hint2 BrE AmE verb
[intransitive and transitive]
to suggest something in an indirect way, but so that someone can guess your meaning SYN imply
hint at
What are you hinting at?
hint (that)
He hinted strongly that he might be prepared to send troops in.

danh từ
cách tinh vi nói cho ai biết điều mình đang nghĩ hoặc điều mình đang muốn; cách đề nghị gián tiếp; lời gợi ý
to drop a hint to somebody
gợi ý với ai một cách gián tiếp hoặc tế nhị
to take a hint
hiểu và thực hiện lời gợi ý
a broad/strong/gentle/delicate hint
lời gợi ý lộ liễu/mạnh mẽ/nhẹ nhàng/tế nhị
she coughed to give him the hint that he should go
chị ấy đằng hắng ho để gợi ý cho anh ta nên đi đi
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) dấu hiệu lờ mờ; dấu vết
there was more than a hint of sadness in his voice
giọng nói của nó cho biết là nó đang buồn
the calm sea gave no hint of the storm that was coming
biển lặng yên không có dấu hiệu của cơn bão đang đến
mẩu thông tin hoặc lời khuyên thực tế; lời mách nước
helpful hints for plant lovers
lời khuyên thực tế có ich cho những người yêu thích cây cối
động từ
(to hint at something; to hint something to somebody) gợi ý nhẹ nhàng hoặc gián tiếp; nói bóng gió
the possibility of an early election has been hinted at
người ta đã gợi ý khả năng một cuộc bầu cử sớm
they hint that I will have to bear any cost for this trip
họ nói bóng gió rằng tôi phải chịu mọi chi phí cho chuyến đi này

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