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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.long1 S1 W1 /lɒŋ $ lɒːŋ/ BrE AmE adjective (comparative longer, superlative longest)
[Language: Old English; Origin: long, lang]
1. GREAT LENGTH measuring a great length from one end to the other OPP short:
a long table
long hair
the longest tunnel in the world
He stretched out his long legs.
a long line of people
2. GREAT DISTANCE continuing or travelling a great distance from one place to another OPP short:
a long distance
Springfield is a long way from Chicago.
Liz lives in Cheltenham, which is a long way away.
long journey/walk/flight/drive etc (=a journey etc over a large distance that takes a lot of time)
It’s a long walk to the shops from here.
3. LARGE AMOUNT OF TIME continuing for a large amount of time, or for a larger amount of time than usual OPP short:
a long period of time
a long history of success
He has a long memory.
(for) a long time/while
He’s been gone a long time.
I haven’t been there for a long while.
It took a long time to get everything ready.
She died a long time ago.
long silence/pause/delay etc
There was a long silence before anybody spoke.
She’s recovering from a long illness.
Doctors often work long hours (=work for more time than is usual).
the longest time American English spoken (=a very long time)
It took me the longest time to figure out how to open the windows.
4. PARTICULAR LENGTH/DISTANCE/TIME used to talk or ask about a particular length, distance, or time:
How long is your garden?
How long is the film?
The cable is not quite long enough.
two metres/three miles etc long
The bridge is 140 feet long.
two hours/three days etc long
The speech was twenty minutes long.
5. WRITING containing a lot of words, letters, names, or pages OPP short:
a long novel
a long list
He has a very long name.
He owes money to a list of people as long as your arm (=a very long list).
6. CLOTHING covering all of your arms or legs OPP short:
a long dress
a long-sleeved shirt
7. TIRING/BORING spoken making you feel tired or bored:
It’s been a long day.
8. VOWEL technical a long vowel in a word is pronounced for a longer time than a short vowel with the same sound OPP short
9. how long is a piece of string? British English spoken used when there is no definite answer to a question:
‘How long will it take to finish the project?’ ‘How long is a piece of string?’
10. the long and (the) short of it spoken used when you are telling someone the most important facts about something rather than all the details:
The long and the short of it is that we missed the train.
11. the long arm of somebody/something written the power of someone or something that has authority, especially to catch and punish someone:
He won’t escape the long arm of the law.
12. long face a sad or disappointed expression on someone’s face
13. long in the tooth informal too old – used humorously:
I’m getting a bit long in the tooth for this sort of thing.
14. not long for this world literary likely to die or stop existing soon
15. long on something having a lot of a quality:
He was short on patience, but long on a sense of his own worth.
16. long odds if there are long odds against something happening, it is very unlikely that it will happen
17. in the long run/term used when talking about what will happen at a later time or when something is finished:
All our hard work will be worth it in the long run.
18. long shot someone or something with very little chance of success:
Chelsea are a 20–1 long shot to win the championship.
19. long time no see spoken used humorously to say hello when you have not seen someone for a long time
20. take the long view (of something) to think about the effect that something will have in the future rather than what happens now
21. a long way very much, far, or a great amount or degree:
We’re still a long way from achieving our sales targets.
Psychiatry has come a long way (=developed a lot) since the 1920s.
Your contributions will go a long way towards helping children in need (=will help to reach a goal).
by a long way/shot informal also by a long chalk )British English (=used when something is much better, quicker, cheaper etc)
It was his best performance this year, by a long way.
not by a long way/shot informal also not by a long chalk )British English (=not at all or not nearly)
He had not told Rory everything, not by a long shot.
22. long weekend three or more days, including Saturday and Sunday, when you do not have to go to work or school
at (long) last at ↑last3(2), ⇨ it’s a long story at ↑story(10), ⇨ cut/make a long story short at ↑story(11), ⇨ a little (of something) goes a long way at ↑little2(5), ⇨ have a long way to go at ↑way1(19)
• • •
long continuing for a long time: The film was very long. | There has been a long period without rain.
lengthy continuing for a long time, especially longer than you want or expect: Drivers face lengthy delays on all roads out of the city. | Police are going through the lengthy process of re-examining all the evidence. | He faces a lengthy prison sentence.
long-running [only before noun] continuing for a long time - used especially about disputes, campaigns, or shows: He has been involved in a long-running dispute with his neighbour. | The programme is one of the longest-running series on television. | a long-running campaign to prevent the airport from being built
long-lasting continuing for a long time – used especially about effects or relationships: Stress can have long-lasting effects. | While at the school, she made many long-lasting friendships.
protracted formal continuing for a long time, especially an unusually long time: Despite protracted negotiations, they were unable to reach an agreement. | The couple have been involved in a protracted battle for custody of their children.
prolonged continuing for a long time, especially longer than expected, or longer in a way that makes a situation worse: He returned to work after a prolonged absence. | Studies have linked prolonged use of the drug to cancer. | a prolonged period of economic decline
extended [only before noun] continuing for a long time - used especially about visits, trips, breaks etc that last longer than was planned: an extended stay in hospital | He took an extended break from work after his father died. | She didn’t like being away from home for extended periods.
lasting [only before noun] strong enough or great enough to continue for a long time: The negotiations were aimed at achieving a lasting peace. | This affair has done lasting damage to the President’s credibility. | The book left a lasting impression on me.
enduring continuing for a long time – used especially about memories, influences, or feelings of liking someone or something: One of my most enduring memories is of going on holiday to France with my parents. | the enduring appeal of Conan Doyle's stories | his enduring love for Ireland
marathon [only before noun] continuing for a very long time and needing a lot of energy, patience, or determination: It was a marathon session of talks which continued until 3 am. | He arrived after a marathon journey across Europe.
too long
long-winded continuing for too long - used about speeches, answers, explanations etc: a very long-winded answer to a simple question | He gave a long-winded speech about the company's vision for the future.
interminable very long and boring: They faced an interminable wait in the departure lounge of the airport. | The journey seemed interminable.
long-drawn-out [only before noun] used about a process that continues for much too long: The news heightened expectations that the long-drawn-out investigation might be coming to a close.
II.long2 S1 W1 BrE AmE adverb

1. for a long time:
Have you been waiting long?
Reform of the law is long overdue.
long established traditions
2. used to ask and talk about particular amounts of time:
How long will it take to get there?
Try to keep going for as long as possible.
It took me longer than I thought it would.
3. at a time that is a long time before or after a particular time
long before/after something
This all happened long before you were born.
long ago/since
He should have left her long ago.
It wasn’t long before (=soon) Lisa arrived.
4. for long [usually in questions and negatives] for a long time:
Have you known them for long?
I haven’t seen her for so long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like.
5. as/so long as
a) used to say that one thing can happen or be true only if another thing happens or is true:
You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.
b) used to say that one thing will continue to happen or be true if another thing happens or is true at the same time:
As long as we keep playing well, we’ll keep winning games.
6. (for) as long as used to talk about something continuing for the amount of time that you want, need, or is possible:
You can stay for as long as you want.
She tried to stay awake for as long as she could.
The fruit should be left on the tree as long as possible.
7. no longer/not any longer used when something used to happen or be true in the past but does not happen or is not true now:
The extra workers won’t be needed any longer.
It’s no longer a secret.
In everyday English, people usually say not any longer or not any more (BrE) /not anymore (AmE), rather than no longer, which sounds slightly formal or literary:
He no longer lives here. ➔ He doesn’t live here any longer OR any more.
8. before long soon or in a short time:
Before long a large crowd had gathered outside the building.
It’s likely that the law will be abolished before long.
9. somebody/something/it won’t be long spoken used to say that someone or something will be ready, will be back, will happen etc soon:
Wait here – I won’t be long.
Dinner won’t be long.
10. all day/year/summer etc long during all of the day etc
11. so long especially spoken American English goodbye
12. long live somebody/something used to show support for a person, idea, principle, or nation:
Long live the King!
III.long3 BrE AmE verb
[Language: Old English; Origin: langian]
to want something very much, especially when it seems unlikely to happen soon
long to do something
He longed to see her again.
long for
She longed for the chance to speak to him in private.
long for somebody to do something
She longed for him to return.
⇨ ↑longed-for, ↑longing

t. Rời ra : Răng long.

tính từ
răng long
loose tooth



When something is long, it is not short.

tính từ
dài (không gian, thời gian); xa, lâu
a long journey
một cuộc hành trình dài
to live a long life
sống lâu
kéo dài
a one-month long leave
thời gian nghỉ phép (kéo dài) một tháng
cao; nhiều, đáng kể
a long price
giá cao
for long years
trong nhiều năm
a long family
gia đình đông con
dài dòng, chán
what a long speech!
bài nói sao mà dài dòng thế!
quá, hơn
a long hundred
(thương nghiệp) một trăm hai mươi
chậm, chậm trễ, lâu
don't be long
đừng chậm nhé
to bid a long farewell
tạm biệt trong một thời gian dài
to draw the long bow
(xem) bow
to have a long arm
có thế lực
to have a long face
mặt dài ra, chán nản, buồn xỉu
to have a long head
linh lợi; láu lỉnh; nhìn xa thấy rộng
to have a long tongue
hay nói nhiều
to have a long wind
dài hơi, có thể chạy lâu mà không nghỉ; có thể nói mãi mà không mệt
to make a long arm
vói tay (để lấy cái gì)
to make a long nose
vẫy mũi chế giễu
to take long views
biết nhìn xa nghĩ rộng; nhìn thấu được vấn đề
in the long run
sau cùng, sau rốt, kết quả là, rốt cuộc
one's long home
(xem) home
at the longest
lâu nhất là...
to go a long way towards doing sth
góp phần làm việc gì
to go a long way
lâu cạn, lâu hết
as happy as the day is long
xem happy
to have come a long way
có nhiều tiến bộ
it is as broad as it is long
xem broad
a long haul
một việc khó khăn dai dẳng
a long shot
sự phỏng đoán vô căn cứ
long in the tooth
khá lớn tuổi, già
long time no see
lâu rồi chúng ta mới gặp nhau
not by a long chalk
không chút nào, chẳng chút nào
to take the long view
nhìn xa thấy rộng, biết lo xa
to take a long look at sth
xem xét cái gì thật kỹ lưỡng
to cut a long story short
vào thẳng vấn đề
phó từ
lâu, trong một thời gian dài
were you in Rome long?
anh ở Rôm lâu không?
long into the next century
mãi cho đến tận thế kỷ sau
I shan't be long
tôi sẽ không chậm trễ đâu
you can stay here as long as you like
anh có thể ở lại đây bao lâu tuỳ theo ý thích
suốt trong cả một khoảng thời gian dài
all day long
suốt ngày
I've waited for this moment my whole life long
tôi đã chờ đợi khoảnh khắc này suốt cả đời tôi
long ago/before/after/since
từ lâu/trước đây lâu/sau đó lâu/từ đó đến nay đã lâu
he died not long after (that)
sau việc ấy không lâu thì ông ta chết
that happened long ago
việc đó xảy ra đã từ lâu
I had known him long before I knew you
tôi biết nó từ lâu trước khi biết anh
it is long since I heard of him
đã từ lâu tôi không được tin gì của anh ta
so long!
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) tạm biệt!
so long as
as long as
miễn là, chỉ cần, với điều kiện là
chừng nào mà
as long as it doesn't rain, we can play
miễn là trời đừng mưa thì chúng ta chơi được
not to be long for this world
chết sớm, sấm chấm dứt
to be long
(+ động tính từ hiện tại) mãi mới
to be long finding something
mãi mới tìm ra cái gì
no/any/much longer
sau một thời điểm nào đó
I can't wait any/much longer
tôi không thể đợi lâu hơn nữa
he no longer lives here
ông ta không còn ở đây nữa
nội động từ
nóng lòng, mong mỏi, ước mong, ao ước
I long to see him
tôi nóng lòng được gặp nó
I long for your letter
tôi mong mỏi thư anh

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