see also PLANT, GARDEN - a short green plant with thin leaves which grows in parks, gardens and fields: grass (noun U) Don't walk on the grass. ◎ a field of long grass - a single piece of grass: blade of grass - a flat area of grass, usually next to a house, which is cut regularly: lawn They were playing on the lawn. - short, thick grass and the layer of soil underneath it: turf (noun U) - covered with lots of growing grass: grassy a grassy plain - a field of grass for animals to eat: meadow - an area of land where farmers grow grass to feed animals: pasture (noun C/U) - grass which is cut and dried and used as food for animals: hay (noun U); a large pile of hay: haystack - land covered with grass: grassland (noun U), grasslands (noun plural) - a wild open area of high land that is covered with grass: moor (often plural), moorland (noun U/C) - a very large area of flat grassy land with few trees, especially in North America: prairie ※ cutting grass - to cut an area of grass with a machine: cut* the grass, mow* the lawn When are you going to mow the lawn? - a machine for cutting grass: mower, lawnmower an electric lawnmower