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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
Henry IV

1. king of France from 1589 to 1610;
although he was leader of the Huguenot armies, when he succeeded the Catholic Henry III and founded the Bourbon dynasty in 1589 he established religious freedom in France
Henry of Navarre, Henry the Great
Instance Hypernyms:
King of France
Member Holonyms:
Bourbon, Bourbon dynasty
2. King of the Germans and Holy Roman Emperor (1050-1106)
Instance Hypernyms:
King of the Germans, Holy Roman Emperor
3. the first Lancastrian king of England from 1399 to 1413;
deposed Richard II and suppressed rebellions (1367-1413)
Bolingbroke, Henry Bolingbroke
Instance Hypernyms:
King of England, King of Great Britain
Member Holonyms:
Lancaster, House of Lancaster, Lancastrian line

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