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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
South America

1. a continent in the western hemisphere connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama (Freq. 3)
Derivationally related forms:
South American
Members of this Region:
Latin America
Instance Hypernyms:
Part Holonyms:
western hemisphere, occident, New World, West, Occident,
southern hemisphere, America
Member Meronyms:
South American
Part Meronyms:
South American country, South American nation, Argentina, Argentine Republic, Chile,
Republic of Chile, Colombia, Republic of Colombia, Ecuador, Republic of Ecuador, Bolivia,
Republic of Bolivia, Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil, Brasil, Guiana, Paraguay,
Republic of Paraguay, Peru, Republic of Peru, Uruguay, Guiana Highlands, Venezuela,
Republic of Venezuela, Uruguay River
2. the nations of the South American continent collectively
- South America is an important market for goods from the United States
Derivationally related forms:
South American
collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage
Member Meronyms:

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