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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 angry
2 what people do when they are angry
3 not angry
see also

1 angry
- very unhappy because of sth that has happened which you do not like: angry (with sb) (at/about sth), angry that ※€¦ (adverb angrily); noun (U): anger
I get so angry when I hear what is happening to the world's forests. Why are you angry with me? I could hear her speaking angrily on the phone. a terrible feeling of anger and disappointment to show your anger
- to make sb angry: anger sb
What angered me more than anything else was his dishonesty.
※—† rather angry
- rather angry: annoyed, irritated; nouns (U): annoyance, irritation
His endless complaints were beginning to make me rather irritated. I could easily understand her irritation.
- to make sb rather angry: annoy sb, irritate sb; something that annoys you is annoying, irritating, an annoyance, an irritation
Recent events have clearly annoyed the Prime Minister. an annoying habit a lot of minor irritations
- if sth makes you very irritated, it (informal) gets* on your nerves
Note: to say that sb or sth makes sb angry, annoyed, etc, you can either use the verbs anger sb, annoy sb, etc or use make* followed by the adjectives angry, annoyed, etc; using make is more informal and more common:
Why let him make you angry? Just ignore him! It makes me so angry when I see all that food being wasted.
- to repeatedly annoy sb, for example by asking them a lot of questions: pester sb; a person, especially a child, that does this is (informal) a pest
Go away. Don't be such a pest!
- to intentionally annoy sb in order to make them react: provoke sb; doing this is provocation (noun U); something that does this is a provocation; adjective: provocative (adverb provocatively)
an act of provocation a provocative remark
※—† unhappy, worried, etc
- if sb has made you sad and angry, you are upset, offended, you take* offence (AmE offense) (at sth)
I got very upset about what she said about my father.
- to hurt sb's feelings and make them feel annoyed: upset* sb, offend sb, cause offence (AmE offense) (to sb); a thing or person that does this is offensive (adverb offensively)
The argument upset her terribly. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause offence. an offensive remark
- if sb or sth makes you feel angry and unhappy because you think you are being treated unfairly, you resent them/it, you feel resentment (noun U); adjective: resentful
He deeply resented the criticism. She resented not winning the first prize again. full of resentment She wrote me a resentful letter.
- angry and unhappy because of the way sb has treated you: bitter (adverb bitterly); noun (U): bitterness
a deep feeling of bitterness towards her employer
- unhappy and dissatisfied, because you cannot have or do what you want: frustrated; this feeling: frustration (noun U); something that causes this feeling: frustration
※—† very angry
- very angry: mad, furious (adverb furiously)
That sort of talk just makes me mad. She was absolutely furious that she had to wait so long to see the doctor. George furiously denied the accusation.
- to make sb very angry: infuriate sb, (informal) drive* sb mad; something that makes you very angry is maddening, infuriating
a maddening noise Could you please switch off that infuriating radio!
- if you are angry and unable to remain calm, you are in a (bad/furious) temper
I wouldn't talk to him just now if I were you. He's in a furious temper.
- to suddenly get angry: lose* your temper (with sb)
I'm sorry I lost my temper with you last night.
- to become angry, worried, etc: get* worked up
Calm down - there's no need to get so worked up!
※—† people who get angry easily
- if you are easily made angry, you are irritable; noun (U): irritability
- if you easily become annoyed by people or things that seem slow, you are impatient; noun (U): impatience
- if you easily become angry and impatient, you have a bad/short/quick temper, you are bad-tempered, short-tempered, quick-tempered
a bad-tempered old man

2 what people do when they are angry
- to speak angrily to a person because they have done sth bad or wrong: tell* sb off (for doing sth); noun: telling-off
The teacher told us off for talking. I got a telling-off for arriving late.
- to behave angrily towards a person because you are angry or upset about sth: take* it out on sb
Don't take it out on me - it's not my fault that you didn't win.
- to argue with a person angrily: quarrel (with sb) (about/over sth); noun: quarrel; to start a quarrel with a person deliberately: pick a quarrel (with sb)
The children never stop quarrelling.
- an angry quarrel: row
He's had a row with his girlfriend.
※ arguing with sb DISCUSS/ARGUE
- to make your eyebrows come together so that your face seems angry: frown, scowl; this kind of look: frown, scowl
The frown on his face changed to a smile as soon as she apologized.
- to stare at a person angrily: glare (at sb); this kind of look: glare
They glared at each other for a few moments before he left.
- to be quiet and unhelpful because you are angry with sb about sth: sulk
What's he sulking about?
※—† things that people say when they are angry
- to use rude or bad language: swear* (at sb/sth), curse
He was furiously angry, cursing and swearing and shaking his fist at the driver of the other car.
- a word which is used in order to swear: swear word
- some words which show anger and impatience (but many people find these words offensive): damn, blast, hell, shit
Damn it! I've broken the screw! Oh hell! I've forgotten my keys.

3 not angry
- to stay calm in an annoying situation: keep* your temper
- to try to relax and not get worried or upset: take* it easy
Take it easy - there's no point in getting so worked up.
- to become quiet and calm: calm down
※ being calm CALM

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