1. a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun (Freq. 2) • Syn: cartridge holder, cartridge clip, magazine • Hypernyms: supply chamber • Hyponyms: pincurl clip • Part Holonyms: gun 2. an instance or single occasion for some event (Freq. 1) - this time he succeeded - he called four times - he could do ten at a clip • Syn: time • Hypernyms: case, instance, example 3. any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: fastener, fastening, holdfast, fixing • Hyponyms: bicycle clip, trouser clip, bulldog clip, alligator clip, hair slide, paper clip, paperclip, gem clip 4. an article of jewelry that can be clipped onto a hat or dress • Hypernyms: jewelry, jewellery 5. the act of clipping or snipping • Syn: clipping, snip • Derivationally related forms: snip (for: snip), clip (for: clipping) • Hypernyms: cut, cutting, cutting off • Hyponyms: nip, pinch 6. a sharp slanting blow - he gave me a clip on the ear • Hypernyms: blow
1. sever or remove by pinching or snipping (Freq. 2) - nip off the flowers • Syn: nip, nip off, snip, snip off • Derivationally related forms: snip (for: snip), snipping (for: snip), clipper, clipping • Hypernyms: cut • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something 2. run at a moderately swift pace • Syn: trot, jog • Derivationally related forms: jog (for: jog), jogger (for: jog), jogging (for: jog), trot (for: trot), trotter (for: trot) • Hypernyms: run • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s PP 3. attach with a clip - clip the papers together • Ant: unclip • Hypernyms: attach • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something PP 4. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of - dress the plants in the garden • Syn: snip, crop, trim, lop, dress, prune, cut back • Derivationally related forms: pruner (for: prune), pruning (for: prune), lopper (for: lop), trim (for: trim), trimmer (for: trim), trimming (for: trim), crop (for: crop), clipper, clipping, snip (for: snip) • Hypernyms: thin out • Hyponyms: shear, poll, pollard, top, pinch, disbud • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 5. terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent - My speech was cut short - Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries • Syn: curtail, cut short • Derivationally related forms: curtailment (for: curtail) • Hypernyms: shorten • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something