not worried or embarrassed WORRY the way you live LIVE, RICH, POOR - when sth allows you to feel physically relaxed, it is comfortable (adverb comfortably), (informal) comfy; when you feel physically relaxed, you are comfortable; noun (U): comfort a comfortable bed ◎ a pair of nice comfy sandals ◎ My grandmother likes to travel in comfort. - a thing that makes you feel comfortable: comfort a hotel with all modern comforts - if sth is warm and comfortable it is cosy (AmE cozy) The living room looked really cosy in the firelight. - great comfort and pleasure, often including the use of expensive and beautiful things: luxury (noun U); adjective: luxurious (adverb luxuriously) a luxury hotel ◎ They are living in luxury in Hawaii. ◎ Their house is certainly not luxurious but it is comfortable. - to get into a comfortable position (sitting or lying): make* yourself comfortable, settle down Sit down and make yourself comfortable. ◎ After dinner, my father settled down with the newspaper. - to get into a position that makes you feel safe, warm and comfortable: snuggle up (to sb), snuggle down Diane snuggled up to her mother. ◎ We snuggled down in our sleeping bags to keep warm. ※ not comfortable - not comfortable: uncomfortable (adverb uncomfortably); noun (U): discomfort an uncomfortable bed ◎ My toothache was causing me severe discomfort. - a thing that makes you feel uncomfortable: discomfort the discomforts of life on a farm ※ MORE ... - if you live without comfort, you rough it We spent three months in a tent roughing it in the Himalayas . - a thing or a place without pleasure or luxury is austere, spartan; noun (U): austerity The nuns led simple and austere lives.