1. an electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge (Freq. 1) • Syn: capacitor, capacitance, electrical condenser • Hypernyms: electrical device • Hyponyms: bypass condenser, bypass capacitor, electrolytic, electrolytic capacitor, electrolytic condenser, Leiden jar, Leyden jar, trimmer, trimming capacitor • Part Holonyms: circuit, electrical circuit, electric circuit, distributor, distributer, electrical distributor 2. an apparatus that converts vapor into liquid • Derivationally related forms: condense • Hypernyms: apparatus, setup • Hyponyms: Liebig condenser, reflux condenser • Part Holonyms: still 3. a hollow coil that condenses by abstracting heat • Derivationally related forms: condense • Hypernyms: coil 4. lens used to concentrate light on an object • Syn: optical condenser • Derivationally related forms: condense • Hypernyms: lens, lense, lens system • Hyponyms: Abbe condenser