1. the temporal property of two things happening at the same time (Freq. 3) - the interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable • Syn: concurrence, coincidence, co-occurrence • Derivationally related forms: co-occurrent (for: co-occurrence), coincident (for: coincidence), coincide (for: coincidence), concurrent (for: concurrence), concur (for: concurrence) • Hypernyms: simultaneity, simultaneousness • Hyponyms: concomitance, overlap, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, unison 2. the state of being joined together (Freq. 1) • Syn: junction, conjugation, colligation • Derivationally related forms: colligate (for: colligation) • Hypernyms: union, unification • Hyponyms: anastomosis, inosculation, synapse 3. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences (Freq. 1) • Syn: conjunctive, connective, continuative • Hypernyms: function word, closed-class word • Hyponyms: coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction, subordinate conjunction 4. the grammatical relation between linguistic units (words or phrases or clauses) that are connected by a conjunction • Hypernyms: grammatical relation • Hyponyms: coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction, copulative conjunction, disjunctive conjunction, adversative conjunction 5. (astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac • Syn: alignment • Topics: astronomy, uranology • Hypernyms: meeting, encounter • Hyponyms: inferior conjunction, superior conjunction 6. something that joins or connects • Syn: junction • Hypernyms: connection, connexion, connector, connecter, connective • Hyponyms: contact, tangency, joint, junction barrier, barrier strip, splice, splicing, thermojunction