Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 feeling that you do not like sb/sth 2 describing the person or thing that you do not like 3 showing or saying that you do not like sb/sth see also LIKE
1 feeling that you do not like sb/sth - to think that sb/sth is unpleasant: not like sb/sth, dislike sb/sth, not care for sb/sth; noun (singular): dislike (of/for sb/sth) What is it about him that you dislike? ◎ I don't really care for football. ◎ She developed an intense dislike for her colleague. - to decide that you dislike sb/sth: take* a dislike to sb/sth I don't know why, but he took a dislike to me from the start. - to dislike sb/sth very strongly: hate sb/sth, loathe sb/sth I hate it when you go away. ◎ She loathes maths. - if you find sb/sth very unpleasant, you can't stand sb/sth, can't bear sb/sth I can't stand violence. ◎ I couldn't bear it if you went away. - the feeling that you have if you dislike sb/sth very strongly: hatred (of/for sb/sth) (noun U/C), hate (noun U) It's sad that there is so much hatred between people in the world. ◎ an intense hatred of injustice ◎ love and hate - a feeling of disliking sth so much that it makes you feel ill: disgust (at sth) (noun U); if you have this feeling, you are disgusted (by sth) She felt a sense of disgust at so much cruelty. ◎ I was disgusted by the amount of waste. - a strong feeling of dislike towards sb/sth that is not based on reason or experience: prejudice (against sb/sth) (noun C/U); having or showing prejudice: prejudiced (against sb/sth) racial prejudice ◎ He seems to be strongly prejudiced against modern teaching methods. - to think that sb/sth has no good qualities: despise sb/sth I despise him for his laziness. - the feeling that you have if you despise sb: contempt (for sb) (noun U); adjective: contemptuous (adverb contemptuously) I feel nothing but contempt for people who steal. ◎ She looked at me contemptuously. 'How could you do that?' she said. - to dislike sb/sth because you think that you are better than them: look down on sb I have a feeling he looks down on me because I come from a poor family. - to dislike sth because you think it is not good enough for you: (informal) turn your nose up at sth We shouldn't turn our noses up at their offer - it's better than nothing. - to feel that sb/sth is not acceptable or satisfactory: disapprove (of sb/sth); noun (U): disapproval; adjective disapproving (adverb disapprovingly) My grandmother disapproves of women wearing short skirts. ◎ I saw the look of disapproval on her face. - to dislike or be against sb/sth: object to sb/sth; noun: objection I strongly object to having to listen to that sort of bad language. ◎ Do you have any objections to the plan? - to feel annoyed, unhappy or uncomfortable because of sb/sth: mind sb/sth Would you mind if I opened the window? ◎ I don't mind staying at home to look after the children. - to start disliking sb/sth, or to lose interest in sb/sth: go* off sb/sth 'I thought you were going to start learning Greek.' 'I was, but I've gone off the idea now.' ◎ I've gone off him since I heard what he did to Sophie. - to cause sb to dislike sth: put* sb off sth/doing sth Falling off her horse has put her off riding.
2 describing the person or thing that you do not like - a person or thing that you dislike is bad, nasty, unpleasant a bad day at the office ◎ a nasty remark/sight/taste ◎ an unpleasant experience - unpleasant to look at or listen to: ugly, unattractive; very ugly: hideous an ugly building/town/person ◎ an unattractive child ◎ The view has been ruined by some hideous new buildings. ※ more on being bad or unpleasant BAD - attractive and unattractive BEAUTIFUL/ATTRACTIVE - liked by very few people: unpopular; noun (U): unpopularity Your decision to change the timetable is unpopular with the students. ◎ an unpopular politician
3 showing or saying that you do not like sb/sth - to show or say that you do not like or agree with sth: protest (about/against/at sth); noun (C/U): protest; a person who makes a protest: protester The students protested about the conditions in their classrooms. ◎ If they ask us to work extra hours again, we'll organize a protest. ◎ The miners went out on strike in protest against pit closures. - to state that you disagree with sth: object (to sth); noun (C/U): objection; a person who makes an objection: objector I'd like to make an objection to the decision regarding the pay rise. ◎ My parents have no objection to my going abroad to study. ※ more on protesting COMPLAIN/PROTEST - to smile unpleasantly with one side of your mouth raised to show that you dislike sb/sth: sneer; noun: sneer; adjective: sneering 'You're not so clever now, are you?' he sneered. ◎ to make sneering remarks - to make a sound (often when you are in a large group of people) that shows that you dislike sb/sth: boo (at) (sb/sth); the noise that people make when they boo: boo, booing (noun U) The crowd booed as the Prime Minister got out of the car. ◎ We clapped the singers and booed the speakers. - when people who dislike sb/sth come together in a big group to express their feeling publicly, they sometimes shout Down with sb/sth The protesters marched towards the city centre shouting 'Down with privatization!'
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