a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck • Hypernyms: chemical, chemical substance • Hyponyms: charge, burster, bursting charge, explosive charge, explosive compound, explosive mixture, propellant explosive, impulse explosive, warhead, payload, load, hydrazoic acid, azoimide, hydrogen azide, HN, high explosive, low explosive, gunpowder, powder, smokeless powder, Ballistite, tetryl, nitramine • Part Holonyms: explosive device
1. serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst (Freq. 3) - an explosive device - explosive gas - explosive force - explosive violence - an explosive temper • Ant: nonexplosive • Similar to: detonative 2. liable to lead to sudden change or violence (Freq. 3) - an explosive issue - a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation • Syn: volatile • Similar to: unstable • Derivationally related forms: volatility (for: volatile) 3. sudden and loud - an explosive laugh • Similar to: sudden