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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 people and animals
2 things
see also

1 people and animals
※—† fat
- having too much flesh: fat, (more polite) overweight
a fat person The doctor thinks I'm a bit overweight.
- (used about a part of the body) covered in too much flesh: fat, thick, heavy
a fat stomach thick arms heavy thighs
- rather fat, but looking nice: plump
a plump baby
- round and rather fat: chubby
chubby cheeks
- with a lot of loose flesh: flabby
flabby arms
- rather fat and strong: stout
He was slim and athletic as a young man but now is getting rather stout.
- to become fatter: get* fat, (more polite) put* on weight
I think she's put on a bit of weight during the summer.
- to make a person (or an animal) fatter by giving them a lot of food: fatten sb/sth up
- food which makes you fat is fattening
Are potatoes fattening?
※—† thin
- not having much flesh on your body: thin
- thin in an attractive way: slim, slender
- thin and healthy: lean
a lean and athletic body
- thin in an unattractive way: skinny
- tall and thin with long arms and legs: lanky
a lanky youth long, lanky legs
- to become thinner: get* thin, lose* weight
You seem to have lost some weight - have you been ill?
- to try to become thinner, especially by eating less: try to lose weight, slim, diet
I can't eat that chocolate pudding - I'm slimming.
- the plan that you have in order not to put on weight: diet
to be on a diet a strict diet 'Would you like some dessert?' 'I won't thanks, I'm on a diet.'
- to be careful about what you eat so that you do not get fat: watch your weight, watch your figure

2 things
- something which is thick or full is fat, thick; nouns (U): fatness, thickness
a fat wallet (= one with a lot of money in it)
a thick file (= a file with a lot of papers in it)
a thick piece of wood
- small in size from one side to the other: thin; noun (U): thinness
a thin line The house had very thin walls - you could hear everything from the next room.
- a liquid that is not thick and that flows easily is thin
thin soup a thin sauce
- to make a liquid less thick: thin sth (down)
You can thin the paint down by adding some water.
※—† MORE ...
- a disease which makes people become very thin because they do not want to eat: anorexia (noun U); a person who has this disease is (an) anorexic

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