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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

I - verb
1. promote the growth of (Freq. 7)
- Foster our children's well-being and education
Derivationally related forms:
furtherance, fosterage (for: foster), fostering (for: foster)
promote, advance, boost, encourage
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
- Something ----s something
2. contribute to the progress or growth of (Freq. 2)
- I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom
promote, advance, boost, encourage
Derivationally related forms:
encouragement (for: encourage), furtherance, booster (for: boost), boost (for: boost), advance (for: advance), promotive (for: promote), promotion (for: promote)
support, back up
connive at, wink at, foster, spur, help,
carry, feed, contribute, lead, conduce
Verb Frames:
- Somebody ----s something
- Somebody ----s somebody
- Something ----s somebody
- Something ----s something

II - adjective
more distant in especially degree (Freq. 2)
- nothing could be further from the truth
- further from our expectations
- farther from the truth
- farther from our expectations
Similar to:

III - adverb
1. to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage ('further' is used more often than 'farther' in this abstract sense) (Freq. 33)
- further complicated by uncertainty about the future
- let's not discuss it further
- nothing could be further from the truth
- they are further along in their research than we expected
- the application of the law was extended farther
- he is going no farther in his studies
2. in addition or furthermore (Freq. 10)
- if we further suppose
- stated further that he would not cooperate with them
- they are definitely coming; further, they should be here already
3. to or at a greater distance in time or space ('farther' is used more frequently than 'further' in this physical sense) (Freq. 1)
- farther north
- moved farther away
- farther down the corridor
- the practice may go back still farther to the Druids
- went only three miles further
- further in the future

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