see also GIVE, KIND/CRUEL - if a you are happy to give people money, help, etc, and you do this more than is necessary, you are generous (adverb generously); noun (U): generosity a generous gift ◎ a generous employer ◎ They're very generous with their money. ◎ Please give generously. ◎ She was surprised by his generosity. - if you are happy to give a lot of help, money, etc, you are free with it They were very free with the wine. ※ not generous - the opposite of generous is mean, (informal) stingy; nouns (U): meanness, (informal) stinginess Was it mean of us to let them pay for everything? ◎ He hoped she didn't think he was mean. ◎ Don't be so stingy - buy me one too! - a person who likes to have a lot of money but does not like spending it: miser