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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 hills and mountains
2 volcanoes
3 groups of hills and mountains
see also

1 hills and mountains
- an area of high land that is not as high as a mountain (often with grass or trees growing on the sides and top): hill
- an area where there are a lot of hills is hilly
- hilly areas in general: the hills (noun plural)
We like to spend our weekends walking in the hills.
- the side of a hill: hillside
a thickly wooded hillside
- the top of a hill: top, hilltop
It took us an hour to get to the top. a hilltop restaurant
- the bottom of a hill or mountain: bottom
We picnicked near the bottom of the hill.
- a very high hill (usually rocky, often with snow on the top): mountain
- an area where there are lots of mountains is mountainous
- mountainous areas in general: the mountains (noun plural)
Do you prefer the mountains or the sea?
- a very high point on a mountain: peak
We couldn't see the peak because it was hidden in cloud.
- the highest point on a mountain: top, mountain top, summit
- the steep side of a mountain: mountainside
Note: the names of some mountains can have Mount (abbreviation Mt) before them. You can say Everest or Mount Everest.
※—† height and steepness
- a very big hill or mountain is high, tall; noun (C/U): height
What is the height of Mt Kilimanjaro?
- the height of hills and mountains is measured in metresfeet
There are no mountains over 5 000 feet in Britain.
- a piece of land that goes up or down: slope
a grassy slope
- a slope which goes up fast is steep (adverb steeply)
The path rises steeply through the forest.
- a very steep slope on the side of a mountain: precipice
- a slope that is not steep is gentle (adverb gently)
a gentle slope
- to go up or down (steeply or gently): slope
The garden slopes down the side of the hill.
- the measurement of how steep a slope is: steepness (noun U), (formal) gradient
a gradient of 1 in 5 (= 20%)

2 volcanoes
- a mountain with a hole in the top through which fire sometimes comes out: volcano (plural volcanoes); adjective: volcanic
- the hole in the top of a volcano: crater
- when a volcano explodes and throws out burning rocks, etc, it erupts; noun: eruption
It hasn't erupted for hundreds of years. The eruption caused widespread damage and sent a black cloud of ash high into the atmosphere.
- the burning rocks, etc that come out of a volcano when it erupts: lava (noun U)
- a volcano that sometimes erupts is active
- a volcano that has not erupted for a long time is dormant
- a volcano that never erupts is extinct

3 groups of hills and mountains
- a group of hills or mountains in one area: range
a range of hills a mountain range
- a space between hills or mountains, often with a river running down it: valley
We walked a little further up the valley.
- an area of hills and high land: highlands (noun plural); adjective: highland
highland streams
- an area of low country with no large hills: lowlands (noun plural); adjective: lowland
lowland farms
- the hills that are found near a range of high mountains: foothills (noun plural)
We went walking in the foothills of the Himalayas.
※—† MORE ...
- a space between two mountains where people can go through on a road or path: pass
a high mountain pass
- the narrow edge along the top of a hill or mountain: ridge
The path follows the ridge for half a mile.
- a river of ice that moves slowly down a valley between high mountains: glacier
- a large amount of snow and rock that slides suddenly down the side of a mountain: avalanche
- a machine that carries people up and down a mountain in a carriage hanging from a moving cable: cable car

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