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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

see also TIME
- to ask how many times sth happens in a certain period, you say how often, how many times
How often do you have your hair cut? How many times a year do you go to the cinema?
- the number of times that sth happens in a certain period: frequency (noun U), (formal) incidence (noun U)
The frequency of violent attacks is increasing. This area has a high incidence of disease.
※—† always
- at all times; regularly: always
The bus is always late in the morning. We always spent our summers in the South of France. I'll always remember that day. I have always admired her work.
- on every occasion: whenever, every time
Whenever I see her she's with her mother.
※—† often
- many times: often, frequently, a lot; adjective: frequent; noun (U): frequency (of sth)
She often has visitors. She is frequently asked out. We don't go to the cinema a lot these days. Violent attacks are becoming more frequent. the alarming frequency of cancer among workers at the plant
- very often: all the time
Can't we go somewhere different for a change? We go there all the time.
- repeated many times: again and again, over and over again
I say this over and over again, but do you ever listen?
- again and again (in an annoying way): always, forever, constantly; adjective: constant
He's always banging the front door - it really annoys me. constant interruptions
- happening every day: daily (adjective, adverb)
a daily coach service to Cambridge
- happening every hour: hourly (adjective, adverb)
The buses run hourly from the centre of town.
※—† fairly often
- fairly often: usually, mostly, (informal) more often than not
We usually have lunch at one o'clock. I sometimes walk to work, but more often than not I take the bus.
- on some occasions: sometimes, (every) now and again, (every) now and then
I sometimes take the bus to work. Every now and then I like to change my hairstyle.
- sometimes but not very often: occasionally, on occasion(s), from time to time; adjective: occasional
We occasionally go out to a restaurant, but we're quite often invited to somebody's house. I have the occasional glass of wine but I usually don't drink.
※ more on things happening usually USUAL
※—† not often
- few times: not very often, seldom, infrequently; adjective; infrequent
I don't see them very often. She seldom went to bed before 11 o'clock.
- almost never: hardly ever, rarely, (informal) once in a blue moon
We hardly ever go to the theatre any more - it's too expensive. She rarely appears in public these days. We only ever see them once in a blue moon.
※—† never
- at no time: never, not ※€¦ ever
'Have you ever been to America?' 'No, never.' I never go to bed before midnight. Don't you ever miss your old schoolfriends?
※—† happening more often or less often
- to become more frequent: increase, grow*; noun: increase
The divorce rate is increasing. There has been an increase in the number of students taking the Cambridge exam.
- happening more frequently: increasing (adverb increasingly), growing
A growing number of students are taking the Cambridge exam.
- something which is increasing over a period of time is on the increase
Drugs-related crime is definitely on the increase.
- to become less frequent: decrease; noun: decrease
- happening less frequently: decreasing
※ more on things increasing or decreasing INCREASE/DECREASE

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