Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
other numbers ONE, TWO, NUMBER - the number 100: hundred - 100th: hundredth her hundredth birthday - one part in a hundred (※¹※※※※): hundredth He won by one hundredth of a second. - one part in every hundred (%): per cent (AmE percent); noun: percentage Eighty per cent of people said they were less happy now than they were five years ago. ◎ a 50% increase ◎ Prices have risen by over 29% in the last six months. ◎ an increasing percentage of people who own their own homes - a particular period of 100 years that is used for giving dates: century the twentieth century (= the dates from 1900 to 1999) - any period of 100 years: century My family have lived here for centuries. - the year that comes exactly one hundred years after an important event or the beginning of sth: centenary The university will celebrate its centenary next year. ◎ an exhibition to mark the centenary of sb's birth
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