see also BLAME, CRITICISM - not polite: rude; noun (U): rudeness He was so rude to me! - to speak to sb in a rude way: insult sb I've never been so insulted in all my life. - a rude thing that sb says: insult, abuse (noun U); adjectives: insulting, abusive And then they started shouting insults at each other. ◎ a term of abuse ◎ insulting behaviour ◎ an abusive remark - to insult sb using bad language: swear* at sb He just started swearing at me for no apparent reason. - to insult sb by laughing in a rude way: laugh at sb/sth, make* fun of sb/sth You're laughing at me! ◎ Don't make fun of her - she can't help it. - to use insulting words about sb (such as 'liar', 'coward'): (informal) call sb names - saying the opposite of what you really mean, either as a joke or to insult sb: sarcasm (noun U); adjective: sarcastic I'm fed up with your sarcastic comments. - to make sb feel bad by speaking or acting rudely: hurt sb's feelings, offend sb, cause/give* offence (AmE offense) (to sb) Be careful what you say - she's easily offended. ◎ I hope I didn't cause any offence. - causing sb to feel offended: offensive; opposite: inoffensive offensive behaviour/remarks - to be offended by sth: take* offence (AmE offense) (at sth) You didn't need to take offence. - to offend sb, for example by not looking at them or not talking to them: snub sb; noun: snub I'm sure it was a deliberate snub. ※ MORE ... - people who are not sensitive and do not get hurt when they are insulted are thick-skinned